Chapter 9: The conclusion

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A/N: Hello, everyone!

Here is another chapter of ROAP! And while it is called the conclusion, there will be another chapter to conclude Atlas arc... Thou sadly, it won't come out in a while, reason behind it will be explained at the end of the chapter. With that said,

Let's get this show on the road!!!

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In a training room, Jaune was smashing training bots with his awakened Crocea Mors. A bot using mace tried to smash him overhead, which Jaune blocked with a shield and immediately countered with a thrust to the neck. Right after that, he rolled forward and with a shield bash ended another bot upon standing up. He then quickly collapsed his shield, sheathed his sword and activated the mechanism to combined them into claymore, which he then used to destroy another two bots that attacked him with a sword and an axe respectively.

The number of bots did not decrease at all. No matter how hard Jaune fought, for each bot he destroyed, two new ones took their place. He has been doing for a good two hours now...

"He's starting to get impatient..." Glynda remarked as Jaune split claymore using bot in half and kicked its upper body into gunslinging bot. Scowl had started plastering his face as his eyes had started turning blood red, and hair kept getting paler.

"Keep going Jaune! Don't let the hate consume you!!!" I cheered him on. He smashed another bot with his elbow as he took a deep breath and showed me thumbs up as hair returned to their former tone.

"You can do this, Jaune! Just hold on for another five minutes and the exercise will be over!" Glynda shouted in support, which, to my annoyance, made him beam up and fight with more vigor. 

"I'm not giving up on my turn with him today, Glynda. Even if he seems to enjoy your encouragement more than mine." I said in an even tone. And no, I am not jealous. I'm a woman born and raised as a member of high society, just like Jaune, am younger than Glynda, and am a member of Atlas military with pay twice as much as her. I'm not jealous, you must be seeing things!

"I'm not asking you to. Besides, you're the one who can snap him out of his... condition. My words are simply not as effective on him. Then again, I'm almost eleven years older than him, so it's much easier for you two to connect." She said sincerely. And now I feel horrible. For thinking like that.

"He loves you too, Glynda. Very much so. Don't forget that." I could not help but say it out loud. It's true, after all. He loves both of us, the same as both of us love him. And we don't fight over him because he hates it when we fight and blames himself for it.

Silly boy, WE were the ones who confessed to him, not the other way around. He deserves to be happy, and I alone can't grant him that happiness. And neither can Glynda. We are too hardened by the world to give him what he needs the most, but even so, we can relate to some things he's gone through, and we can support and show love for him in our own way.

Well, we're in not too much rush to be deflowered, due to agreement between us and Jaune, but if he wants to do it, we'll be more than happy to accompany him as he wants, but I digress.

"You'll be going to Atlas with him in two days, right?" She asked me.

"Yes, that is why you'll have two days to spend with him alone. By the way, what will you do for your date?" 

"We'll watch some movies in Vale and then have a dinner at the newly opened café... after that... arcade, maybe? Haven't been to one of those in a long while." Arcade... haven't been to those since I enlisted... ideas...

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