Chapter 2: The aftermath

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A/N: Sup!

Here is the second chapter of my new story. I should probably mention what I didn't in the last chapter, and that is that besides the idea this particular world building of Remnant, I own nothing you'll see or read here. RWBY belongs to Rooster Teeth! With that out of the way, let's get this show on the road!!!

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(Blakes POV)

It's been a month since Jaune went missing. Many laughed about how he gave up on being huntsman and finally did the smart thing and left, but I wasn't convinced. He was too stubborn to leave just like that. And he was improving at a quick pace. Regretfully, our friends started regretting their actions only after he disappeared. Ever since then, lectures became harder, more brutal. The amount of homework increased by a lot. The amount of detentions that students received increased at an alarming rate. But the most targeted ones were Jaunes bullies and friends... or rather, former ones, me included.

Even then, Yang and Weiss still believe that they've done nothing wrong. They're just the worst! Then again, I'm no better. My friend was in trouble, yet, once he needed me the most, I betrayed his trust and run away, abandoning him, and all of that because I was afraid that my secret will come out!

I sighed. It was another Monday and another grimm studies with rather angry and less talkative Port, believe it or not. Ever since Jaune disappeared, he stopped telling his tall tales and started telling about the dark side of fighting grimm, he no longer sugar coated his stories as jolly tales, when someone made a quiet comment about how those who died in his stories were weak, Port kicked them out of the classroom with an assignment of writing 10 000-word long essay on topics along the lines of huntsmen mortality, why Darwinism theory was a the most idiotic notion for a huntsman to have etc., and all of that had to be handed in by the midnight or brutal detention would await them.

We arrived at the classroom and waited for another brutal lesion to start. Port entered the classroom just as the lesson was about to start, with some of his jolliness back in his steps. I looked at our teams. Pyrrha and Ruby noticed it as well. After Jaune vanished, both of them were devastated. Ruby became colder towards others, and both her and Pyrrha started lashing out at the others that bad-mouthed Jaune. They did love him, but even so, they abandoned him the same way others did. At least, they stopped hanging out with him in order to try and persuade us to make up with him, unlike me.

My thoughts were interrupted by Port loudly clearing his throat.

"Morning, students. Today, we'll do things a little differently. I'll tell you a story about a dashing young huntsman, who was a true hero!" Oh Oum, Port is back, with another bad, tall tale, but still, he is back! Other students were joyous as well, maybe we'll no longer have to suffer from his bad mood!

"There was once a dashing young man who was striving to become a hero, not for fame, nor for glory, but simply because he wanted to help people. But he was born weaker than others. Not to mention, he was an only heir of a large noble family so him becoming something like a huntsman was not just out of the question – if it got out, it could become a political issue! So he made a deal with foreign council – they will accept him under an alias in their academy, in exchange, he will help them with both uncovering corruption in ranks of their civil servants and will help make new trading deals with them. Council agreed, and this young man was accepted in the most prestigious huntsman academy on Remnant! At the beginning, everything went well, he was accepted, joined a great team as a leader and was improving at a great speed, he made many friends and was loved by both faculty and faunas community alike."

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