Chapter 3: The confrontation

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A/N: Hey there!

Another chapter, as promised, with one more on the way... with that said,

Let's get this show on the road!!!

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It's been 2 months since Team RWBY meet Penny. During those two months, Blake came out as a faunas and former member of the White Fang. But that happened after fight with Weiss, after which she run away, hid in Vale and together with monkey faunas, who was the stowaway they meet previously, Sun Wukong, went to docks and confronted Roman Torchwick and White Fang grunts, after which both got detention from furious Glynda Goodwitch.

Afterwards, a month later came school break, which everyone spent doing their own thing. Ren, Nora, Blake and Weiss stayed at Beacon. Yang and Ruby visited their father, while Blake tried to hide from the pain she felt in her chest by overworking herself investigating White Fang. Pyrrha had to leave to meet her sponsors, Weiss purely focused on studying, but she wasn't really too much into it. Ren and Nora spent their time together as always.

That is how they spent their break. Afterwards, once the break was over, they started attending lectures once more. Thou Blakes' investigation on White Fang had turned into obsession and so, they decided to infiltrate the White Fang rally – Team RWBY together with Sun Wukong and Neptune Vasilias.

Their plan went as such – Blake and Sun would infiltrate rally, at the same time, Ruby and Weiss would go to CCTV to investigate SDC files and Yang would take Neptune to question Hei "Junior" Xiong. Plan seemed perfect, but as any plan, it was bound to have complications.

During rally, Adam showed up and instantly recognized Blake, loudly announcing that she was traitor to faunas' kind and ordered Roman to capture her. But, just as he himself was about to attack her and Sun himself, a simple curved short sword hit the stage right between his legs, stopping him in his tracks.

(Blakes' POV)

As we were retreating, I could see Adam running towards us and my blood froze in fear, but then, a black, slightly curved short sword vas imbedded into the ground, right between Adams legs, lightly grazing his Aura. Next thing we knew, a quiet chuckle resounded from the ceiling.

"*chuckles* Man, glad to see you in good spirits, Bull-boy. Does your hate boner for humans still stands in all of its 4-inch glory?" The one who spoke was a young blonde male, wearing black hooded jacket over black turtle-neck t-shirt. He also wore dark blue pants tucked into black combat boots, light grey diamond-shaped chest plate that also covered his ribs, light grey gauntlets, a red sash covered his waist and over it went two dark brown belts with golden accents. He also had black pouch strapped to his left leg, just above the knee. His hood was up, and his turtle-neck was pulled up to cover his mouth, from my standpoint I couldn't make out his eyes, but it all seemed familiar for some reason. He also spun another short sword – the same design as the one that almost hit Adam only white – in his left arm in casual manner, as if being in front of one of the strongest and most violent White Fang branch leaders was nothing special.

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