Chapter 4: The Consequences

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A/N: Sup!

Here's the second chapter of the day, hope you'll enjoy it! With that out of the way, let's get this show on the road!!!

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It was the next morning after Roman Torchwick was arrested and team RWBY got scolded by (possibly) their thought to be dead friend. After returning back to their dorm room, Blake explained to everyone what she heard from Winters and blonde males' conversation. This got various reactions - Ruby was overjoyed, her first friend might possibly be alive, Yang was enraged that he didn't inform them about his survival sooner and Weiss made a point that it might have been just a coincidence, since this man was clearly skilled in battle, which their Jaune clearly was not.

In the morning, team RWBY was summoned to Ozpin's office to discuss their punishment for previous evening. As team entered the office, they were meet by a peculiar sight. Ozpin was sitting behind his desk and casually sipping his coffee while hiding his smirk and glancing to the side. Qrow, who stood next to the window, looked like he has seen something impossible and was rebooting, while General Ironwood tried to hide his amusement and sweat-dropped at what he saw across the room.

On the other side of the room, teens could see one Specialist Winter Schnee sitting on a chair and silently humming to herself, clearly in a good mood. Next to her sat one Glynda Goodwitch, who was sipping her tea while taking glances at the blonde boy who was using Winters tights as pillow, face first into her stomach and letting out a soft breath.

The blonde boy in question wore dark blue pants, tucked into black combat boots. His torso was covered only by a tight, form fitting sleeveless turtleneck and his armor and hoodie were laid down on the floor next to Winters right leg. Boys arms were wrapped around her waist in a hug, as if she was a safety blanket.

"What the fuck are you doing to my sister, Arc?!" Shrieked a certain heiress. The sleeping boy answered her question by raising his left hand and flipping her bird, then he snuggled deeper into Winters stomach.

After a moment of silence, Yang asked a question "Did he just flip Ice queen off?"

"He sometimes does that when someone asks stupid questions while he is asleep. It is kind of instinctual or reflexive response, like if you approach his sleeping form with a bloodlust, he will punch you in the face hard enough to break your jaw. Turns out he learned that because of all the attempts on his life... Who knew that being on the radar of contract killers as a target would be beneficial?" Glynda absentmindedly spoke, making female team wince in sympathy, and mild shock. That was unexpected...

Suddenly, Jaune jumped up on his feet while still holding onto Winter, making said girl yelp, before enveloping her in a protective hug and letting out a low growl, while cracking fingers in his left hand by clenching it. Then he blinked a few times, before bashfully looking at Winter and Glynda.

"Good Morning, what did I miss?" He asked.

"Nothing much, you just flipped my sister off while asleep... Glynda also revealed some of the stuff about your past, nothing much, just assassins after you and other vile attempts at your life. Why are you up so soon?" Winter explained.

"Did you let your usual guard down or have you finally decided to drop your professional act?" asked Jaune with a cheeky grin making Winter blush, before getting serious. "*Sigh* I see. How long was I asleep? And it is pretty hard to sleep when someone is trying to stare holes into your back and is clearly hostile." Jaune asked in tired tone, then gave lazy explanation.

"Just over an hour. You also used Winter as a safety blanket." Glynda said with an amused smile, before pushing her glasses up and, seeing Jaune shrugging his shoulders like it happened all the time, continued "Now, we received your mission report, damage report, interrogation reports as well as all witness reports. Team RWBY has also come here, so what is it that you wanted to tell them?" Concerned she asked.

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