Chapter 6: The Bonds

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Hello, everybody!

The next chapter of ROAP is here!  This one will focus a bit more on something I believe  every living human needs! 

And let's get this show on the road!!!

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Jaune walked out of the bullhead. He had changed his outfit. No longer did it consist of faded jeans, sneakers, Pumpkin Pete hoodie and armor. It was changed to dark blue pants, black combat boots, Black Jacket with a hood that he had raised up, under which he had a black skin tight turtleneck t-shirt pulled up to cover his mouth and nose. He also wore grey cuirass that covered his torso till navel, vambraces in the same color as cuirass, black fingerless gloves and bright red scarf that he raised up to hide his lower part of the face. The only part of his face that could be seen were eyes that occasionally peaked  from under the hood. 

The first person who met him upon the exit was Glynda Goodwitch, who asked "Jaune?" in a shaky voice. Can't blame her. Seeing her expression of disbelief, hope and once she understood that the one who came out of the bullhead was truly Jaune, joy, it is more than clear that she cares about him more than just a student. Good. After all that he's been through, just me alone is not enough to mend his heart. He spent rehabilitating in Atlas exactly one month. During that time, besides few conversations in which he refused to open up more than bare minimum, he's refused to speak or even to get close to others.

I was able to hold conversations with him, and he was much less guarded against than with anyone else. Well, Penny not counted. Somehow, that gynoid is capable of worming her way into anyone's heart. Too bad she understands not what love is, maybe then Rouge would open up once more.

I did it again, I called Jaune Rouge... In my defence, I've known his as such for 5 years, while by his birth name, no matter how beautiful it is, for only one month. Well, then again, what ruins that name is that it was given by that man who calls himself  Jaunes former father. Disowning his own son because of papers he legally had to alter. Still can't believe there are parents like that. Even my own gene donor... I mean, father isn't such awful man.

I look at the scene before me. Ms. Goodwitch, once she confirmed that it was really Jaune, enveloped him in an affectionate hug while crying tears of joy and asking him for forgiveness for not being there when he needed her the most and for failing him as an educator. Jaune stood there with his arms awkwardly raised, not knowing what to do for good few seconds, before he finally hugs her back and awkwardly pats her back. They stand like that for a few minutes, before Ms. Goodwitch takes a shaky step back.

"I-I'm sorry, for... for losing my cool. Le-let's go to Ozpin's office." She said while wiping her eyes, clearly overwhelmed with happiness of having him back. Jaune nods.

That is another thing about Jaune now. He rarely speaks. It's as if he doesn't want to make any new bonds out of fear. Can't blame him for it. His friends and family hurt him badly when they abandoned him, and from what I heard, Weiss, my dear little sister, was one of the biggest reasons for his suffering. 

He refuses to acknowledge it, but he does have nightmares all the time. The deep bags under his eyes are clear indicator of that. Even on our way here, when he fell asleep, he was sweating and tossing around in his sleep and only when I hugged him did he calm down and actually caught some sleep. 

As we walked towards the elevator, I asked Jaune to go ahead of us, so I could have a quick chat with Beacons deputy. He increased his pace and once he was behind the corner, I looked at her.

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