Chapter 5: The Faith

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A/N: Hello, everyone!

The next chapter of ROAP is out! And what makes this chapter especially special is that it has an opening! Please let me know if you guys like it. Now then Hope you'll enjoy this chapter, and let's get this show on the road!!!

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"An unfamiliar ceiling..." Said a young blonde man as he woke up.

"You're in Atlas Military Hospital, son. What is the last thing you remember, if I may ask?" Said the surprised doctor who was monitoring young mans health.

"I... I was on a mission in Vale. There was a grimm attack on the settlement I was sent to, and then... I was left behind... I-I can't remember anything else, I'm sorry..." The young man sat up as he spoke and then looked down in sadness and shame. Once more, he was betrayed.

"Don't be, son. With your injuries, you've done a great job in surviving. Now then, excuse me, I'll alert the General of your awakening." said the doctor, as he walked out of the room.

'No matter how you look at it, nobody cares about you.' a voice resounded inside his head.

Young man shook his head, remembering how there were many people who screamed to wait for him. He remembered team CVFY. Beacon staff. Glynda.

'You're wrong. Not everyone hates me, in fact, there are many who support and care for me.'

'You're making a mistake.'

'No, I have faith.' Young man looked into the window, staring at his reflection. As doors of the ward opened, he looked at who entered.

"Rouge!" Shouted a young woman in early twenties at most. Her most noticeable feature was her snow white hair. She ran up to him and gave a tight, yet gentle hug, making him recall some memories he'd lost.

"Win... ter...?" He croaked out in disbelief. He remembered some memories that he had lost. The ones he had with Winter, at least. That alone made him shed tears as he squeezed her back.

"I thought I'd lost you when you didn't return from Shion two years ago!"  she cried, afraid that it was just a dream and that once she wakes up, Rouge won't be there anymore.

"*Cough* Winter, I know that you are excited to see your bellowed once more, but we have a business to talk about." James Ironwood spoke up, making Winter reluctantly let go of the young man. She took a deep breath and recomposed herself, before taking a more formal stance.

"General...? B-before we start, can I ask you how I got here, because the last thing I remember is collapsing from the injuries and exhaustion in Riverdale..." The blonde boy asked.

"No need for that. You are a patient so there is no problem if you're a bit more casual with me for now. As for how you got here, Qrow brought you." Ironwood said with a wave.


"Yes, he was on a delivery mission to Atlas when, according to him, Raven Branwen opened a portal to his position and gave you to him, asking to take you to hospital. Intriguing, how a former bandit queen of Mistral would go out of her way to save unrelated boy."

"I see... So Raven did use her second chance to turn her life around. I'm glad..." the boy smiled. He'll need to give his thanks to her one day for sure.

"Yes. Now then, onto the real issue. Rouge Jaeger, or rather, Jaune Luna. Can you tell me the whole story of how you got to this point, and preferably, why you had inhibitor chip that Arcadia Principality uses only on the most dangerous and deranged of prisoners?" James asked in an even tone, shocking both Jaune and Winter.

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