Chapter 11: The Lesson

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A/N: Hello, everyone!

Here is another new chapter for the ROAP, hope you'll enjoy it!

With that said, let's get this show on the road!!!

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"So, you want to tell me that "The Bandit Queen of Mistral" has changed her ways and now leads her tribe as mercenaries, who protect villages from grimm and hunt down other bandit tribes? And that she is a friend of yours?" Winter asked me with a raised eyebrow.


"And she is willing to help you cross continents using her semblance any day, any time, for free?" She asked once more.

"Sounds about right."

"And you're telling me this now why?" She asked with a frown.

"It never came up?" I gave an honest answer.

It's been a bit over a week since I've last met Winters mother, and three weeks  since I've started dating Glynda and Winter. The reason for this conversation was currently sitting in Schnee Manors guest room, drinking tea and chatting with Glynda, Willow and Whitley. I say chatting, but it's more like everyone's asking her questions, and she gives one sentence answers. I myself am sitting in the corner in seiza, while Winter is glaring at me.

"*Sigh~* I admit, it is our fault for not asking, why did she save you back in Riverdale, or why she helped us save you three weeks ago, but you could have told us about it!" She said in a frustrated tone.

"In the first place, why is she so concerned about you? Is she in love with you or something!?" She asked in a much louder tone than she thought, making Willow spit out the tea she had just drunk, making Whitley choke on his cheesecake that I baked with Klein and Ashley this morning, and getting Raven to look at us with a raised eyebrow.

"He helped me with the reformation of my tribe and gave us a second chance, what's more, he saved my idiot brother and in these past three months helped me make up with my husband, as well as got me and my family protection from you know who. As far as I'm concerned, he has done so much for me that merely transporting him across the Remnant is the least I could do." She explained.

"Oh~ how sweet of him! Say, Raven, how is your husband? Is he caring?" Willow asked in excitement. Despite, or rather, because of how bad her marriage is, she loves hearing about happiness that others experience. From what I understood, knowing that others aren't as miserable as her brings her joy, since it means there are people who don't have to suffer.

She truly is a role model huntress! Kind, compassionate, loves seeing others smile. Really makes one want to make her husband disappear, or turn him soul-bound to a dogs chew-toy, leaving the sense of touch and pain intact only...

She truly deserves happiness, Willow...

'Then all you have to do is to make her deadbeat husband wanish, and then claim her as yours, just like you did with the dominatrix and the Ice Queen.'

'Piss off, I'm not some beast who beds every woman he respects!'

'Could have fooled me.'

 "*Sigh~* Violence is not an answer..." I mumbled in annoyance.

"Damn straight, kid. It's a question, to which answer is Yes!" Raven Spoke with a grin, making Willow slightly wince.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2023 ⏰

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