Chapter 5: Love lost?

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What???? Where is the NaLu!!!
Don't worry my dear NaLu shippers...
Just keep reading!!!!!

Lucy P.O.V

I took a deep breath and wiped away the tears, then buried my head in my knees again. Guilt flooded through my viens.... now that I understood everything, and my true feelings... guilt had taken its toll on me.



I stood still in shock...

"W-what do you mean? We are one?" I waited for the haired women to respond.

"Lucy... there are things you don't know about your family."

I was getting impationt. Until the women waved her hand gracefully In front of her. The fair ground disapeard, and once again complete whiteness surrounded me. But in front of me was a holographic screen, like the one that showed my memories.

The screen showed my mother and father, and a baby's cradle stood In between them.

"What is thi-"

"Hush princess." She interuppted me," just watch."

I glanced back at the screens, and this time it showed my mother holding a pure golden coloured haired baby in her arms. She rocket back and forth singing a sweet, gentle song.

My father... was actually smiling!

"My dear sweet Lucy." My mother whispered and kissed the babie's for head.

"Wait, what! I don't have golden hair!" I said in awe.

I kept watching, the scene changed. This time my parents were seated with a large group of people, around a long table. A man with red hair stood up and smiled at my parents.

"My king and queen, we have come to a desision." The red haired man said grinning.

King?! Queen?!

"Yes." My mother said sweetly," My daughter will marry your son, and the dragon kingdom will become whole again! The dragons will safetly return to our home."

The scene changed again. This time it was the same memorie I saw, of my mothers death...

"Your daughter, will NEVER! Make the dragon kingdom whole again!." The dark stranger shouted.

My mother turned to the red haired man who was tied to a stalectite.

"Please.... take care of my daughter.... Igneel."

"IGNEEL!" I looked at the women in shock, "Thee Igneel! As in-"

"Yes Lucy... Natu's father."

I was in complete and utter shock! My mother... knew Natsu's father...

I took another chance, and looked at the screen nervously, the cloaked man had shot my mother, and he was making his way towards Igneel. Just before he could lay a hand on him, Igneel began to change!

His eyes turned bright and gold, like Natsu's. His onyx became bigger, and scales started to form under his eyes. He roared showing masiv dragon fangs. And in a matter of seconds, what once was a man, was now a gigantic maroon dragon.

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