Becoming Abusive

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Cover up with makeup in the mirror

Tell yourself it's never gonna happen again

You cry alone and then he swears he loves you

Colby's POV;

I woke up and got myself changed into black skinny jeans, a zebra-striped short-sleeved shirt, and my black hoodie. I then brushed my teeth and hair. Afterward, I then began applying some concealer onto my now black eye. I then blended it in with a blending sponge that I also got as well. Once I was done, I grabbed my phone and bag as well as an apple and drove with Ryan to school.

Sam's POV;

I walked up to my locker when I noticed Colby getting his things for first period. "Hey Colbs," I greeted him. "H-Hey Sam," Colby said while turning to look at me. I then noticed his bruise was gone. So I decided to ask him about it. "Hey Colbs, can I ask you something?" I asked him. "Y-yeah sure," he replied. "I know you said you needed concealer for your 'pimple', but yesterday I also noticed a slight bruise on your eye and now it's gone. First of all what happened? Second, did you conceal it?"

Colby's POV:

My eyes widen at Sam's question. "I-I wasn't watching where I was going and I tripped and fell on my face," I lied. "Also yes I did conceal it." "Are you sure?" Sam asked me. I just nodded my head in response. Once Sam and I got our stuff, we both headed straight to class.

During fourth period Algebra ll, which was a class that Jackson was in, Sam and I were working on our short packet since we were told to work with the person sitting next to us. While Sam and I were working, I accidentally dropped my pencil so without thinking, Sam and I both bent down to pick it up. Which resulted in the pencil in between our hands which made it look like we were holding hands.

Sam and I raised our hands with the pencil still in between and kinda stared at each other. While this was happening, none of us noticed that Jackson had taken a picture of me and Sam 'holding hands.' "I-I'm sorry," Sam apologized with a slight blush on his face. "I-It's fine," I replied. We both then let go of the pencil and we continued with our work.

Time Skip

It was now lunchtime and I was kind of terrified of what Ryan would do. As Sam and I were about to enter the cafeteria, Ryan came and harshly grabbed my wrist as he aggressively threw me against the wall. Sam then turn around and angrily glared at him.

"Why the fuck did you do that?!" Sam snapped as he pushed Ryan back. "S-Sam-" I began but was cut off by Ryan angrily glancing at me. I then kept my mouth shut and looked down. "Look bitch this isn't none of your goddamn business!" Ryan yelled as he harshly pushed Sam to the ground.

"Sam!" I exclaimed as I ran to him but was stopped by Ryan grabbing my wrist. I just looked up at him in fear. "You and I will talk after school. Understood?" he growled at me as he squeezed my wrist real hard. I shakily nodded my head as I softly whimpered in pain. With that, Ryan went inside the cafeteria. I then went to check on Sam.

"S-Sam are you ok?" I asked him. "I-I'm fine but what about you are you ok?" Sam asked me as I helped stood him up on his feet. "I-I'm fine," I lied. "Colby, why did Ryan get so aggressive with you?" Sam asked me. "I-I don't know," I truthfully answered him. "You know you can tell me anything right?" Sam asked me. I just nodded my head yes. "So you'll tell me if things aren't ok?" Sam asked me once more. I once more nodded my head.

Time Skip

When Ryan and I got home, he immediately dragged me up to my room where he threw me to the floor. "You Fucking Bitch!" he yelled as he slapped me real hard across the face. "W-What did I do?" I asked him with fear in my voice. "This!" Ryan snapped as he showed me his phone. My eyes widened as I saw it was a picture of Sam and I 'holding hands.' "Jackson took it and showed it to me. Do you think I'm stupid?!" he said while yelling out the last part.

I shakily shook my head no as I looked at him. "I-It was all a misunderstanding. P-please, let me explain!" I shakily begged as I looked at him. Ryan then punched me in the mouth as I yelped in pain. "Explain!" he yelled. So I told him exactly how things went with Sam during Algebra. "I-It was an accident I-I would never hold his hand like that," I told him. Ryan then punched my mouth once more as I felt blood rush from my mouth down to my chin.

"Now for your punishment," Ryan said. "N-No Please!" I begged as I saw Ryan take off his belt. I then began to scream and cry as Ryan hit me with his belt multiple times. Ryan also threw a couple of punches down my way as well. Once Ryan was done, I shakily and painfully looked up at him. "Don't worry about dinner cause my friends are coming over. So you're staying here cause I don't want them to see you, got it?!" Ryan growled. I just shakily nodded my head yes.

After about half an hour later, I painfully got up and manage to sneakily limp to the bathroom where I cleaned myself up. Once I was cleaned up, I then made my way back to my room and worked on our homework since I already finished our project the other day. Once I was done with our assignments, I then got changed and silently lay in bed and began to think.

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