Lost Thoughts

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In school, he just keeps to himself

He goes home every day to a home that is hell

Learn not to fight and you learn not to feel

But the bruises inside are the ones that don't heal

And they hit you more the more you ask them why

And you're too ashamed to tell a soul

When they ask about it

You don't talk about it

And you hide the hurt

And you hide the pain

When they ask how you doin'

You say you're okay

Wrap the tears in lies

Cover all the scars

And they won't see

How broken you are

Third Person POV:

As Colby was laying in bed, he began to wonder if anybody heard his screams and cries for help. He also wondered if someone were to hear him, then why wouldn't they help him? Colby then thought about what Sam told him earlier.


"You know you can tell me anything right?" Sam asked me. I just nodded my head yes. "So you'll tell me if things aren't ok?" Sam asked me once more. I once more nodded my head.

End of Flashback

Tears began to slip down Colby's face as he thought about how he would tell Sam. He knew Sam would be angry at Ryan but he wasn't sure what Sam would think of him. Soon Colby came to terms with telling Sam, he just needed the perfect moment.

Meanwhile, with Sam, he noticed that ever since Colby's been dating Ryan he started acting differently. He went from his happy and silly self to being scared and timid. He also noticed that Colby not only hasn't been eating lunch but he probably doesn't eat well at home cause he's looking skinnier than usual.

Sam always asks Colby if he's ok but he always lies by saying he is. Ever since Sam caught Ryan hurting Colby that one time in the bathroom, Sam began to ask him if everything is ok between him and Ryan. Sam noticed that every time he asked him, his eyes widened with slight fear in them. The other day Colby even told Sam in a sad voice that Ryan loved him. But Sam's starting to think the complete opposite.

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