Late Apology

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Colby's POV:

As we were laughing, a knock on the door was heard. "Come in," Sam said as he held my hand. The door opened and my eyes widened as I saw the one person I thought I would never see again, my mom. "M-Mom what are you doing here and where's dad?" I shakily asked her. "We'll let you guys alone," Sam said as he and our friends left. My mom walked up to my bed and sat next to me. She then held my hands in hers as she lovingly kissed my wrists and face. It was something she used to do whenever I accidentally hurt myself.

"Colbaby, I came to see you and to say I'm sorry for not doing anything when your father kicked you out," she told me with guilt in her eyes. "But why didn't you contact me?" I asked her. "Your father broke my phone and prohibited me to find you," my mom told me. "But how did you find me?" I asked her. "Yesterday, the Golbachs came and tried to reason with your father but instead he got angrier. So I mustered up the courage to not only stand up to your father but to also leave him and find you," my mom explained.

I was shocked by her words and actions. "Could you ever forgive me, my baby boy?" my mom asked me. "Of course mom," I said as I hugged her. "The Golbachs told me everything that you went through and I just want to say that you Colbaby are a true fighter and survivor," my mom said as tears slipped down her face. "I know mom and you don't have to worry about my ex anymore, I'm dating someone else," I told her.

"Oh, really who?" she asked while wiggling her eyebrows. "Sam," I replied to her. "Oh, honey I'm so proud of you both but aren't you two moving too fast?" she asked me once more. "Well, not really since I stopped loving my ex a while ago just like how he stopped loving me after he used me," I told her while sadly saying the last part. "Oh, Colby," my mom said. "It's ok mom cause Sam not only treats me better but he also makes me feel safe and happy," I told her with a smile on my face. "I'm glad he makes you feel that way, sweetie," my mom said.

Suddenly the door opened and Sam peeked his head in. "Is it ok to come in?" he asked me. "Yup," I replied with a smile on my face. Sam and the gang along with Sam's parents all entered my room. "Mom, these are my new friends, Corey and Jake, and their girlfriends, Tara and Devyn," I said as I pointed to each one of them. They all waved at my mom who kindly waved back. "Mom, you already know Sam," I said as Sam walked up next to me and held my left hand. "Yes Colby, I know your boyfriend," my mom chuckled. "So you told her?" Sam chuckled as he looked at me. I smiled while nodding my head.

"Mom, Sam was the one who not only helped me but also saved me from my ex," I told her. "Thank you so much for taking care of and saving my baby," my mom said as she hugged him. "It was my pleasure, Mrs.Brock," Sam said while hugging her back. Suddenly, Doctor Jones walked in. "Why hello again Cole," she smiled at me. "Hello Docter Jones," I greeted her. "Well, I'm here to let you know that you are free to go. Also, I completely understand why you lied the last time I saw you," she told me. "I-I'm sorry for lying," I apologized with guilt in my eyes. "It's ok Cole, like I said I completely understand. My mother was a victim of domestic abuse too. It happened when my younger siblings and I were kids." she explained.

"So you're not mad?" I asked her. "Of course not Cole. Just a heads up, don't be afraid, to tell the truth ok?" she said with a warm smile. "O-Ok," I replied. Pretty soon with Sam's help, I changed into a new set of clothes that my mom bought me. After signing my release forms, we all got into our cars and went our separate ways. On the way home, I nuzzled my head onto Sam's chest as he wrapped his arms around me. Tomorrow Sam and I are going back to Ryan's house to pick up my belongings for good.

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