Koala Part 1

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Colby's POV:

I painfully woke up this morning as I remembered that I fell asleep on the floor. I then quickly got dressed and made my way to the bathroom to brush my teeth and hair. Once I was done I quickly applied concealer to my facial bruises. When I finally finished I quickly put my concealer in the side pocket of my bag, grabbed my phone along with an apple and got into Ryan's car, and drove to school with him.

On my way to my locker, I saw Sam getting his things. I quickly went to my locker and grabbed my things for first period as well. "Hey Colbs," Sam greeted me. "H-Hey Sam," I greeted back. "Look Colbs, I'm sorry for yelling at you yesterday," Sam said with guilt in his eyes. "I was just worried 'cause you got back with Ryan. Can you ever forgive me?" Sam apologized.

I then launched myself onto Sam and hugged him. "Of course, I forgive you, Sam," I replied as I nuzzled my head into his chest. Sam then wrapped his arms around me and hugged me back. "I missed you, Sam, I missed this," I muttered into his chest. "I missed you too, my little koala," Sam chuckled. "Koala?" I asked him as I looked up at him. "Yeah, 'cause you like to cling onto me like how a koala clings to trees," Sam explained. "Then I would love to be your little koala," I laughed. "Alright then my little koala," Sam chuckled as he hugged me tightly.

"What the fuck are you doing babe?!" I then looked up to see Ryan angrily glaring at us as he walked in our direction. I then felt Sam tighten his grip on me as I began to slightly shake in fear. "N-Nothing, I was just hugging my best friend," I replied in a shaky voice. Ryan then scoffed as he walked away. "Come on Colbs, let's get to class," Sam said as he grabbed my hand and led me to class.

Time Skip To Lunch

As Sam and I were making our way to the cafeteria, I felt someone grab my wrist. I then shakily turn to see Ryan. Ryan then pulled me away from Sam. "Come on babe we need to talk," he said with gritted teeth. "I-I want to go with Sam," I shakily replied. But before Ryan could say or do anything, Sam gently grabbed my wrist and pulled me into him. "He said he doesn't want to talk to you!" Sam growled.

"How many times do I have to tell you to mind your own damn business!" Ryan snapped as he harshly pushed Sam. Making Sam fall with me on top of him. "Come on babe," Ryan demanded as he harshly grabbed a fistful of my hair and aggressively pulled me away from Sam. Making me yelp in pain. "N-No Let Me Go!" I shakily cried out. Without thinking, I then kicked Ryan right in the shin. Making him let go of my hair. I then ran toward Sam, who had just gotten up from the floor, and clung to him.

Sam's POV:

Once I got up from the floor, Colby immediately ran toward me and clung to me for dear life. "You Little Bitch!" Ryan snapped as he got up and was coming our way. I then held Colby's hand and ran down the hallway. We ran until I found an unused Janitor's closet. I opened the door and we hid inside.

Once I let go of Colby's hand, he right away clung to me and nuzzled his face into my chest. "It's ok love, we're safe now," I told him as I wrapped my arms around his shaking body. "Sam, why do you call me pet names?" Colby asked while looking up at me. I then felt my cheeks slightly blush. "Oh, um, does it bother you?" I asked him. "N-No not really. I kind of like them but I'm just curious," Colby replied. "O-oh, well that's because you're so adorable," I told him as I was now slightly red. I then noticed a pink tint on Colby's cheeks. "I-I'm sorry we missed lunch," Colby apologized as he looked down. "Colby, look at me," I said as I gently lifted his head so he can look at me. "You're way more important to me than food. I prefer missing lunch with you being safe with me than having lunch while you could be in danger," I told him as I ruffled his hair.

Suddenly the bell rang and Colby and I hurriedly left the closet and made our way to our lockers. Once we grabbed our stuff, I then walked Colby to his class which was next to my class. Since we rushed, we got to our classes on time.

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