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A pebble in the water makes a ripple effect

Every action in this world will bear a consequence

If you wait around forever you will surely drown

I see what's going down

Colby's POV:

I was at my locker getting my things for Biology when Ryan came and harshly grabbed my wrist. "Hey babe," he said while squeezing my wrist real hard. "H-Hey babe," I replied with a shaky voice. "Hey Colbs," Sam said as he also came up to his locker. I then opened my mouth to greet him when Ryan squeezed my wrist extremely hard making me yelp in pain. So instead I just slowly waved at him. "Um, are you ok?" Sam asked me. I just nodded my head yes. "Are you sure?" Sam asked once more. "He said he's fine!" Ryan snapped at him. "I was talking to Colby!" Sam snapped back. Suddenly the bell rang and Ryan let go of my wrist and made his way to class. Sam and I also made our way to class so we wouldn't be late.

Time Skip

Sam and I were walking to lunch when I saw Ryan walking toward us. I then grabbed Sam's hand and ran in the other direction "Colby, what are you doing?" Sam asked me but I didn't answer him. Even though I wasn't supposed to hold Sam's hand or run away from him, I didn't want to be with Ryan.

I was about to open the cafeteria door when Ryan stopped us by standing in front of the door. "Why were you running from me, babe?" Ryan asked with anger in his voice. I just stood there slightly shaking when I suddenly felt a light squeeze in my hand. I look down to see Sam still tightly holding on to my hand. I then looked up at him with a pleading look.

Sam's POV:

I was confused as to why Colby grabbed my hand and made us run in the other direction to get to the cafeteria. I even asked him but he just ignored me. Once Ryan stopped us, I suddenly felt Colby slightly shaking. That's when it hit me, Colby was scared of Ryan. I then lightly squeezed his hand and he turned and looked at me with what looked like a pleading look. "Answer me!" I heard Ryan snap at him.

Colby just quietly stood there not knowing what to do. So I let go of his hand and stood in front of him. "He doesn't want to be with you!" I snapped back at him. "I thought I told you to mind your own goddamn business!" Ryan yelled as he grabbed me by the collar of my shirt and threw me to the side.

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