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Sam's POV:

As soon as we got to Ryan's house, I immediately ran to the passenger side and pulled out the gun my dad had in there. "Samuel what are you doing?!" my mom asked me. "I'm going to save Colby," I replied. "Son, you can't you need to wait for backup," my dad told me. "Sorry, dad but I don't think I can wait anymore," I told him. I then ran to the door, which was unlocked, and opened it. I was horrified to see Ryan pointing a gun at Colby, who was bloodied and severely beaten.

"Put The Gun Down!" I shouted as I pointed my gun toward Ryan. "Hold it Golbach, one wrong move, and your little friend gets it," Ryan warned. Colby just looked at me with teary pleading eyes. I knew I had to do something before it was too late. "Look Ryan, I know you don't want to do this," I told him. "So why don't we put our guns down and talk yeah?" "Too late for that Golbach. Now you get to watch me kill your little friend here," Ryan replied. "No, Wait!" I shouted.

"Say bye bye babe," Ryan said as he was about to pull the trigger. However, before he could, Bang! I shot him right in the ankle. "Agh! You Fucking Bitch!" Ryan shouted as he dropped his gun while stumbling back. Seeing that Ryan was distracted, Colby then ran toward me and shakily wrapped his bloody arms tightly around my waist. "It's ok, baby you're safe now," I comforted Colby while wrapping my left arm around him as he was now sobbing onto my chest.

"You Fucking Bitch!" Ryan shouted as he pointed his gun at us. Colby then shakily lifted his head as I protectively held him tight as I pointed my gun at Ryan. Ryan then pointed his gun right at Colby. "That's It I Had Enough Of You Two!" Ryan shouted as he then pointed his gun at me. "Looks like you're going first Golbach," Ryan growled at me.

"No, Don't!" Colby shouted as he released himself from my grip and stood in front of me. But before I could do anything, Bang! Colby then clutched his stomach as he fell to his knees. I couldn't believe what happened at that moment.

"NO!" I shouted as my eyes filled up with tears. I then angrily pointed my gun at Ryan. "You Fucking Bitch!" I shouted as I shot him right in his right arm. I then ran toward Colby and held him in my arms as tears slipped down my face. "Colby, why?" I asked him. "I-I didn't want you to get hurt," Colby replied as he was still clutching his stomach.

"S-Sam, I don't think I'm going to make it," Colby said. "Don't say that love, of course, you're going to make it," I told him as I gently caressed his left cheek. Through the corner of my eye, I noticed Ryan grabbing his gun again. I then grabbed mine just in case.

However, before Ryan could do anything, police officers entered as well as some paramedics. Two paramedics took Ryan and two more paramedics came and took Colby as well. "Sam!" I then got up and turned to see my mom and dad. I then ran toward them and hugged them both as I cried into their arms.

"Mom, Dad, I don't want Colby to die," I cried. "Don't worry dear, Colby is going to be just fine," my mother told me. "Your mother's right son, Colby, is a fighter," my dad added. On our way to the hospital, I right away texted Jake and Corey. They immediately replied saying that they were going to meet me in the hospital. 

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