Ch. nine

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Maia got to the hospital. She frowned as she saw Kim who was pacing in the hallway. "Where's Lexie?" Kim asked.

Maia sighed and smiled. "She's with a child minder. Where is Alyssa? Is she okay?" Maia asked.

She felt sick. She was worried over her sister. And she just hoped that she was going to be okay.

"They're doing tests on her. But she overdosed. And it's touch and go. They don't know if she will make it," Kim said as Maia looked to her and frowned.

She felt sick. She knew that there was something going on with her sister. And it scared her.

Maia felt like an idiot. She felt as if she should have realised that her sister was going through something awful. She knew Alyssa was off. And she felt sick. She wanted everything to be okay.

She wanted her sister to be okay.

Maia walked over and sat next to Kim and smiled. "I just want everything to be okay," Maia mumbled as she sighed.

Kim looked to her oldest daughter and smiled. "I know. But she will be okay. Besides, I could kill her for this. But we need to try and get through this as a family," she said as Maia looked to her mother and smiled.

Maia knew just how messy this was. She knew how serious it was. And she hated it.

Maia had no idea how she was going to deal with it all. It was a mess.


Maia got to Home Farm with Lexie. She frowned as she saw Graham. She sighed and looked to Lexie. "Go and play in your room okay," Maia said as she handed Lexie her tablet and watched as she walked off.

Maia turned to face Graham and glared. "What do you want?" She asked.

Graham looked to her. "I heard about what happened with your sister. Do you think it's safe to have a druggie around Lexie?" He asked.

Maia saw red as she walked over to him and punched him. "How dare you?! She is not a druggie. She is a teenage girl who has been through a hard time. And Lexie is my daughter. I can decide who I want near her. And that is not you!"

Graham looked to her. He smirked. "I am her father. I have rights."

Maia rolled her eyes. "Are you? Besides you're not on the birth certificate. And you have no rights at al!l" she spat as she walked off.


Maia sighed as she stood in the doorway of Lexie's room. She looked to her as she laid in bed asleep.

Maia knew how Lexie was her world. And how she'd do anything for her. And it scared her.

Maia was scared about how Graham was acting. As if he had rights to her daughter. She knew how she'd do anything for her.

Maia was worried thet Graham was going to get his claws into her daughter. And she was terrified. She didn't know how to face it.

But how long could she keep Graham away? And keep the fact they he was Lexie's father a secret for?

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