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Maia woke to the squeals of her little girl Lexie. She smiled when the little girl ran in. She giggled. "Mummy!"

"Hello my gorgeous. What are you doing?"

Lexie giggled. She pointed to the door as Joe walked in. Maia rolled her eyes. "Can you not wind her up so early? I haven't had enough coffee to deal with it," she said.

Joe laughed. "She started it," he said. He picked up Lexie. "You know, when she smiles, she looks like Graham."

Maia rolled her eyes. "She's been around him too much. That's all. If you'd remember I don't know who her dad is," she lied.

Maia walked downstairs. She saw Graham and sighed. "Morning. I heard you with Megan last night. Little inappropriate isn't it? Especially with Lexie. She could walk in."

"Well you should keep a better eye on her. Stop her wondering around," he told her.

Maia glared. "This is her house too. In case you weren't aware. I think you need to remember that she can go where she wants to," she spat.

Graham said nothing. He just walked out of the kitchen. Maia rolled her eyes. She knew if he knew the truth then he wouldn't be so keen to get Lexie out the way.

Maia had taken Lexie to the playgroup she went to. Maia sighed as she walked into the cafe. She ordered a coffee and sat down. She loved her daughter but at times, she felt like it was a struggle doing it alone.

Maia got a text saying her sister had eventually turned up at school. She sighed in relief. She felt like a failure at times. She couldn't control her own sister at times.

Maia returned to home farm. Joe was there. He smiled. "Where's the lovely Lexie?" He asked.

"She's playing at playgroup. I'm in need of a break. Believe me. I love her so much. But she's a handful at times," Maia admitted.

Joe nodded. He and Maia had always been close. He knew how much Maia struggled with ending up pregnant at a young age. "Have you thought about finding out who her dad is? I know you struggle," he said.

Maia shrugged. "I don't know. I guess I'd like to. But why would he wanna be involved in her life after three years? It's best I raise her myself."

"But you're also raising your sister too. That's not your job."

Maia sighed. "Well it's not like my mother is here is it? She got too hooked on conning people that she left her kids. Jamie is god knows where. It's better that I take care of Lexie and my sister."

When Maia had put Lexie to bed, she sat on the sofa as Graham walked in. She laughed. "Megan not with you tonight?" She asked.

Graham looked at her. "No. She's with her daughter tonight. Where is Lexie?"

"In bed. She had a busy day and aunty was more than happy to play with her."

Graham smiled and nodded. He didn't want to say anything. But he was beginning to question Lexie's paternity. Was he her father?

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