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Graham was beginning to become more convinced that he was Lexie's father. There were too many consistencies that proved he was. Maia had ended up pregnant a couple of weeks after their one night together. He knew he should have caught on then.

When he woke that morning, he walked downstairs. Maia was there with Lexie. Lexie giggled and looked at him. "Mummy!"

"Yeah babes."

Lexie giggled and looked at Graham. She handed him a piece of toast. Graham took it and smiled. He could see how much Lexie looked like him. He knew he had to talk to Maia.

Maia had returned from taking Lexie to daycare. Graham took hold of her and pulled her into the living room. "We need to talk."

"What about?"

"Lexie. If she's my child or not."

Maia sighed. "What makes you think she is? Because she isn't. I know she isn't," she told him.

Graham looked at her. "I'm not convinced. You fell pregnant after we ended up having sex. More than once that night. She is my child."

"No she isn't. I don't remember who her father was," Maia said.

Graham nodded. "I want a DNA test. I want proof that she isn't mine. I don't believe you otherwise."

Maia watched as he walked off. She knew he would find out the truth. She couldn't have it. She knew everything would become messy if he found out.

Maia and Lexie were sitting in the house. Lexie was lying on the sofa. Maia smiled as her blonde haired beauty dozed off. Maia stroked her hair and smiled.

Graham walked in. He saw the way Lexie slept and knew in that moment that she was his daughter. He had the same sleeping position.

Maia looked at him. "Don't even start."

"I've got the DNA test. I want absolute proof she is or isn't mine," Graham said.

Maia shook her head. "I don't have anything to prove to you. I think I'd know if you were her father."

Joe walked in and saw the looks between Maia and Graham. He knew something had gone on with the two of them. He wanted to know.

Maia smiled. "I take it you were with Debbie?" She asked as she woke Lexie up for some dinner. She kissed her little girls head.

Graham tried to hide the smile when he saw Lexie. He could tell that she was his. She had a lot of his traits. She even had his smirk.

When Maia put Lexie to bed, she left her bedroom and sighed. She saw Graham waiting on her. "I want her DNA. I want proof she's mine," he told her.

Maia sighed. "Just stop it. Please. If she was yours, I'd tell you."

"But you wouldn't. You're denying it. And the fact you're denying it is making me suspicious," Graham said. He knew he was rattling Maia and that's what he wanted. He sighed. "If she is mine, it would give me a reason to keep off the alcohol. A purpose."

Maia watched as Graham walked off. She knew she couldn't keep on denying it. But would she be able to make her mother see why she had kept it hidden?

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