Ch. eleven

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Maia knew how things were and she knew it wasn't easy. She knew that she was trying to make things work. Alyssa was still in a coma and she was trying to do all that she could to protect Lexie.

She knew that Lexie deserved better than Graham and all the drama. She knew how Graham had backed off lately from Lexie. And how he said Lexie deserved better.

But Maia knew that she wasn't stupid. And how Graham liked to play games. She was worried that this was another trick. And how he'd still try and take Lexie from her. She knew it wouldn't happen.

She wasn't going to let it happen. 

Maia stood in the kitchen. She looked to see Kim as she walked in. "Morning darling."

Maia looked to her and smiled.  "Are you okay?" She asked.

Kim nodded. "I'm fine."

I know that you're worried. But I am here for you mum. I love you and Alyssa will be okay"

"I hope so. How are you? I know that you're worried over Graham and everything."

"I'm okay. I am just worried he is playing games. And he will try and take Lexie. I don't want him involved with her. It scares me. I just what what is best for her," she said.

Kim nodded. "I know it's not easy. But Graham is not going to come between this family. And he is not going go get to Lexie. I promise I will do all I can to protect you all," she said as Maia smiled.


Maia walked through the village. She saw Graham and groaned. She knew how it was the last thing that she wanted. "What do you want?" She asked.

Graham looked to her. "I want to talk. I know that you hate me. I know how I haven't been the best person. But Lexie is my daughter," he said.

Maia looked to him. "You tell me that she's better of without you. And then you tell me that you want to be her father. You need to make up your mind. You can't go hot and cold. And I'm sorry but I don't trust you. I don't want you near my daughter," she told him.

"Who said that you have a choice?" he said as the two of them held a look.

"You want a fight? Then try me. I am not scared of you. I am her mother. I will fight for it. You're a drink and you haven't got a leg to stand on," Maia said before she walked off.


Maia got to the hospital after getting a call off of Kim. She frowned as she saw Kim as she stood outside of Alyssa room.

"Please tell me that's she's okay?" Maia asked. She knew that she couldn't cope if something happened to her sister.

"Hey it's okay. She's awake. And it's all going to be okay I promise," Kim said as Maia walked into the room as she saw a groggy Alyssa.

She was glad that her sister was okay. That she was alive. But would it all be okay now she had woken up?

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