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Maia was hurt. She was hurt about how Kim and Graham had sex. She felt betrayed by them both. She knew that she and Graham weren't together. But she knew that she did have something with him. She knew they had a child together. And that there was something going on.

Maia couldn't believe that her own mother would do this to her. She felt crushed and hurt by it. She felt heartbroken.

Maia wiped away the tears from her eyes as Lexie walked in. Lexie walked over and climbed onto the bed next to her. She frowned as she looked at Maia. "Mummy sad?" She asked.

"I am baby."

"You miss LyLy?" Lexie asked as Maia smiled at the nickname for Alyssa.

Maia pulled her daughter onto her lap and sighed. "I do baby," Maia said knowing how Alyssa was the only other person she cared about.

She was missing and vulnerable. Something bad had happened to her. Maia knew that Alyssa had to be scared and she knew she had to do all that she could to find her.

"Me miss her too mummy," Lexie said as she pouted and laid her head on Maia's chest.

Maia looked at Lexie and smiled as she pulled her closer and kissed the top of her head. "I know baby. But you don't need to worry. Mummy is going to do all that she can to find her," Maia said as she tickled Lexie's chin making her giggle.

Maia knew Kim was more bothered about sleeping with Graham. And that she would have to do what she could and find her sister. She didn't care what it took. She was going to bring Alyssa home and bring her home safe. No matter the cost.


Maia stood in the kitchen and looked up as Graham walked over to her. "Hey," he said as he looked at her with a smile on his face.

She looked at him and glared. "Drop dead," she spat as she went to walk off.

Graham looked at her and rolled his eyes. "Maia. It was nothing."

"You shagged my mother Graham. You promised the world and then you shagged her. Do you have any idea how it made me feel? Besides it doesn't matter now," Maia said.

Graham looked at her and frowned. "What does that mean?"

"It means we kissed a few times. And we have a daughter together. We aren't going to be together. Not after what you did to me. You hurt me. All I care about is Lexie and finding Alyssa," Maia said.

Graham sighed and looked into her blue eyes. "Say what you want Maia. I know you were jealous. You wished it was you. Kim was there and upset about Alyssa," Graham said.

Maia looked at him and glared. "Please tell me that you aren't using my mother for sex?" She asked as Graham looked at her with a smirk on his face.

Maia slapped him and glared as she looked at him. "I mean it. Drop dead," she spat as she walked off. She couldn't believe what she was hearing.


Maia was sitting in the living room. She was crying. She was so hurt over Graham and Alyssa being missing. Kim walked in and looked at her. "I'm sorry. I know that you're mad at me. But they found a body. And they think it's Lys," Kim said.

Maia looked at her and frowned. Fearing the worst. But was it Alyssa?

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