Ch twelve

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Maia sat next to Alyssa's bedside. She hadn't left her bedside since she had woken up. She knew that she just wanted to be there for her sister.

She knew how things hadn't been easy. And how Alyssa had almost died. And she knew that she wanted to be there for her.
Alyssa looked to Maia and sighed. "You don't need to stay with me you know. Don't you have a child to look after or something," she said.

Maia looked to her and smiled. "I do yes. But I also have my sister to look after. Mum has been a mess. What were you thinking Lys? Drugs this isn't you. Is this Ross?" She asked.

Alyssa looked to her and rolled her eyes. "Oh here we go. Blaming him. He didn't force me to take the drugs."

"No. But he deals them. He's bad news."

"No he's not. He's misunderstood like I am. Do you have any idea how hard it's been since I got back. Do you know what it's like? No you don't as you're mums perfect daughter. And you have the perfect daughter in the disappointment of the family," Alyssa told her.

Maia looked to her and frowned. "No you're not. Don't speak like that. You're my little sister. And you have been through a lot. But you're my sister. And I love you," she said as Alyssa just looked to her. "I'm going to be there for you more okay? And it's all going to be okay."


Maia got to home farm. She looked to see Lexie and smiled.  "Hi baby. Have you been good for grandma?" Maia asked.

"Yes mummy," she said as Maia kissed the top of her head.

She knew that things weren't easy. And her family life seemed a mess. But she just wanted to make sure that everything was okay.

"Good girl," she said as Lexie walked off.

Kim looked to Maia and smiled. "Has Alyssa spoken to you?"

"All that she says is no one understands her but Ross. I think this is more to do with him. She is keeping something from us. And I am worried," Maia said as Kim looked to her and nodded

She was worried about her daughter and what was going on with her. She knew that she just wanted her to be okay.

"Mum it will be okay. I know it's a mess, but we're a family. And we will get through it together we always do," Maia said.


Maia stood in the kitchen. She looked to see Graham as he walked in. She sighed as she looked to him. "Whatever it is, I am not in the mood," she said.

"I want to talk to you about Lexie. I know that you don't trust me. But I want a chance to be there for Lexie. I don't want to fight. Just give me a chance," he said.

Maia looked to him and sighed. She knew her head was a mess and the last thing that she wanted to do was argue. But could she give him a chance?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30 ⏰

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