Ch. Five

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Maia walked into the kitchen and saw Kim. She looked at her and smiled slightly. "Why didn't you tell me that you were getting out?" Maia asked.

Kim smiled and looked at her. "I thought I'd surprise you. It's a good job I did. What with Alyssa being missing. Do you want to tell me what's going on?"

Maia sighed and looked at the ground. "I don't know what's going on. I've been trying to be there for her. But she's been off. I think something happened to her in the care home. She was begging me to not take her back there. I'm worried about her.

Kim smiled and nodded. "I know you are. But you don't need to worry. It's going to be okay. We will find your sister. I promise," she said.

Maia sighed. "I really missed you mum."

"And I missed you too. But i think we need to talk over Graham. And what's going on," Kim said.

Maia looked at her and sighed as Lexie ran into the room. "Mummy! I hungry," Lexie said as she looked at her mummy.

Maia smiled and nodded. "Go and play and I'll make you some food," she told her as Lexie nodded.

Kim looked at Maia and raised an eyebrow. Maia sighed. "She's his. Yes. But she doesn't know who her daddy is. I think that Graham does know. He told me isn't stepping down over this. It was one night four years ago. Yes I got Lexie but I don't trust him around her. He's an alcoholic and I just don't trust him," Maia said as she ran a hand through her hair.

Kim smiled and looked at her. "Don't you worry. Graham isn't going to get involved. I can swear on that," she said.

Maia sighed. She looked at Lexie as she played with her toys. "Where is she? Alyssa. I don't know where she is or what she could be doing," Maia said.

"I know. But we will find her. We'll find out what's going on with her," she said as Maia smiled and nodded.


Maia walked out of Lexie's room as she put her down for a nap. She sighed as she saw Graham. She looked at him and rolled her eyes. "Back off Graham. You're not being in her life. I've told you. I don't trust you."

"I'm her father."

"By blood yes. On paper, you're nothing. Besides, I got through life without a father. Trust me on that. I mean it. Leave her alone," Maia said as she went to walk off.

Graham grabbed her arm and pulled her close as he kissed her. Maia froze for a moment before she found herself kissing him back.

Maia knew it was wrong and that it shouldn't happen. But she knew that that there was still a connection between them. She was trying to be strong and not let him get to her. But it wasn't that easy.

All Maia wanted was to be a good mum to Lexie. And she didn't trust Graham. She knew he would let Lexie down and she couldn't put Lexie through that.


Maia walked into Home Farm later that day. She frowned as she saw Kim as she walked down the stairs. She wore a robe.

Maia frowned as she saw Graham as he followed her redressing. Maia frowned as she realised that they had just slept together and they hadn't seen her. She couldn't help but feel crushed by it all.

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