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AUTHORS NOTE: Alyssa Tate along with any kiddies belong to Carolineeexx.

Maia smiled as Lexie ran in to the living room. Joe was behind her. "Hi!"

"Hello gorgeous girl."

Joe sighed as he sat down. "She is a little menace. She had me on my knees while she rode on my back. I'm a donkey," he said.

Lexie giggled and climbed onto her mums lap. Maia kissed the top of her head. "You a sleepy girl?" She asked.

Lexie nodded. She yawned and giggled. "Me ride Joe mummy."

Maia stood up and took Lexie upstairs with her. She sighed as she saw Graham standing by the bedroom door. "I need to get her into bed. She's tired," she said.

"I'll help."

Maia rolled her eyes. "Thank you. But I can manage putting my child to bed. I've done it every other night since she was born."

"That's because you won't admit that she is my child too. We had unprotected sex and then two months later you announced you were pregnant."

Maia again rolled her eyes. She opened the bedroom door and laid Lexie in her bed. Lexie blinked. "Seepy," she mumbled.

Maia smiled and kissed her head. She stayed with Lexie until she was fast asleep. She left the room taking Graham with her. "Why do you think she's yours? She isn't."

"I don't believe you. There are too many proof factors that indicate she's mine. Just come clean and then I can be in her life."

Maia knew she had no choice but to come clean. But she didn't think she could. She looked at him. "Why do you do this? You know I'm struggling. What we did shouldn't have happened. It did and we can't change that. But please, let it lie."

Graham looked at her. "She is my daughter and nothing is going to change that. Are we clear?"


Maia was sitting in the kitchen. Joe walked in and sighed. "Graham isn't stupid you know. He knows as well as I do that he's her father. He would be a pretty good father too."

Maia sighed. "I don't doubt it. But I'm scared. I don't want Lexie to be let down. I don't care about me, but she's my whole world and more and I'd die before I let anything happen to her."

Joe smiled. "I know. He wouldn't hurt her. You know how badly the crash affected him with his wife. He wanted that baby."

Maia blinked and wiped away her tears. Before anything the door opened and Maia's little sister ran in. "What the?"

"I need you."

Maia frowned. She took Alyssa's hand and led her upstairs. She sighed. "What happened?" She asked.

"I can't say. But please don't make me go back there," she sobbed.

Maia held her close. She sighed and kissed the top of her head. "It's going to be okay. I promise you babes."

Alyssa fell asleep in Maia's arms. But could she find out what happened to her sister?

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