Chapter the Twenty-Fourth: Disbelief and Further Altercations

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La Lesbiana waited outside Dr. Rupert Stephens' surgery and anticipated the arrival of Leavitt Stafford. Though Leavitt was undoubtedly a despicable man, La Lesbiana intended for no harm to greet him, and thus only wished to instigate a discussion of great import. However, since Zeus had ordered her to discuss matters with him, one must wonder if there was something dreadfully amiss with such a discussion. Perhaps you, the reader, should read onwards and form your own judgment of the matter.

Within the terribly strange flying object in which the previous chapter took place, Zeus had finished going about the task of providing Queen Victoria with evidence of Leavitt's misdeeds, and now she was quite uncertain as to what to believe. On one hand, of course this alien creature before her was not a god, for there was only one God, and that God most certainly not Zeus! On the other hand, however, the alien creature had procured a magical rectangle which showed her a colourful three-dimensional moving picture of a tall, slim gentleman who went about committing the dreadful atrocities the alien had spoken of. As well as this, there was the matter of the nature of this peculiar flying contraption!

"Now do you see why we have to stop Leavitt?" Zeus enquired, loosening his tentacles from around the rather large circumference of her waist. "You don't want a bloke like that running around, do you?"

Queen Victoria opened her mouth to speak, though no words presented themselves.

"It's a bit challenging to your worldview, isn't it? After all, you've been raised believing in this christian god, only to then discover that I'm the true god. Well, there is also this other god called Pat, but that's beside the point. Anyway, I bet your default reaction is to deny reality and keep fooling yourself about the existence of this christian god despite everything right now screaming that He doesn't exist. It's understandable, I suppose; it must be quite upsetting to have your beliefs challenged like this."

"The day of judgment awaits you!" cried Queen Victoria, duly inviting uproarious laughter. "THE DAY OF JUDGMENT AWAITS YOU ALL!" she shrieked in response to this laughter, her cheeks flushing an enraged crimson.

"Your day of judgment is arguably already here, seeing as though everyone here is judging you right now. Oh shit, I just remembered La Lesbiana."

"You just remembered who?"

"Oh, she's a lesbian."

"That explains nothing!"

"I hate to have to leave so soon, but I'm gonna need to check out what's going on there 'cause it's almost time to watch some high-quality angsty shit. Byeee!" And at that, the alien animatronic dropped to the floor as though felled by a heart attack, and Zeus switched on his holy television to await the action on the part of La Lesbiana.

Queen Victoria, at last beginning to arrive at the conclusion that there was more to holy matters than met the eye, began to scream a most horrifyingly piercing scream.

As Zeus's foolish and despicable eyes turned towards the television, the camera, which resided within a crow in much a similar manner as a certain type of conspiracy theorist would believe, focused on Leavitt, who appeared to be preoccupied with some truly troublesome thoughts. This surely does not surprise you, the reader, considering how he had recently killed an entire family!

Hands suddenly seized Leavitt and pulled him towards an alleyway. "I don't mean any harm by this," said a richly deep feminine voice. "I just want to have a word with you, that's all."

Leavitt Stafford and the Awful, Terrible, Not Very Nice Plan.Where stories live. Discover now