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    Elsewhere in Skylands, everything was peaceful and all the mabus still loved peace until everything was interrupted. Captain Dreadbeard and his crew fire their cannons and steal all the valuable stuff and take it to their airship and fly away. And something that has been stolen is a treasure chest.

Cross Crow: "I don't really understand what we have stolen, Captain? Is it very valuable, or just something inside is worth more power?"

Captain Dreadbeard: "This chest we stole is more valuable, or maybe powers. Whatever it is, I will open it and share it with all of you."

Rage Mage, Cross Crow, Cuckoo Clocker, and Hood Sickle wanted whatever inside the chest. Dreadbeard began budging to open the chest but it was locked.

Cuckoo Clocker: "Do you need help, Captain?"

Captain Dreadbeard: "No, no, I got it." As he tries to budge it. "I'm the Captain, and I can open it. Just need to get it open if I need.... Something.... That... can..... Open."

Anonymous voice: "Like a key?"

Captain Dreadbeard: "Yeah, that's what I need."

Then he pauses and looks to see where the voice is coming from, and the Skylanders come out of their hiding and reveal themselves as the D-Team, Dragon Team.

Rage Mage: "*Gasp* It's the Skylanders!! Master Eon's elite squad!"

Hood Sickle: "No, is not, those are the D-Team. The heroes who defeated Silther and his Cyber-Dragons." As he recognizes them.

Rage Mage: "Really? I thought the other Skylanders defeated them."

Hood Sickle: "Those were other Skylanders who defeated the other villain. You know, the smart machine who wants to bring orders and enslave all creatures and wants to destroy the Skylanders."

Rage Mage: "Uhhhh, no, I don't really know who that villain was."

Hood Sickle: "*Groan* Why can't you remember the Skylands history? We all must know the history."

Rage Mage: "Well, sorry, history is boring. And learning makes me very tired because I want to lay down and watch videos and all that stuff. You know how life works."

Both of them continue arguing, as Zoran interrupts them.

Zoran: "Hey, bad guys, are you gonna take us out, or continue babbling about history?"

The villain stops arguing, and Captain Dreadbeard laughs because he has his plan ahead.

Captain Dreadbeard: "You, Skylanders, don't even know what you're up against. I have planned all this to take you down with one cut." As he then uses his sword and cuts the rope which the net falls on them revealing it's a trap. "Ha, ha! See, I told you I'll capture you, Skylanders! Now you will walk the plank when we're in the air."

Anonymous Voice: "And who says they're gonna walk the plank?"

The villanis look and see another Skyanders, and this time it's Team Spyro.

Captain Dreadbeard: "More Skylanders?" As he was confused.

Jet-Vac: "That's right, we trick you while sneaking onboard. Didn't take long for you to be distracted by our new squad."

Captain Dreadbeard: "Grrr! That's it! Boys, get them!"

The crew attack the team, as the D-Team manage to break free and battle Dreadbeard. Both battles continue, as Team Spyro work together and defeat Dreadbeard's crew. Then the D-Team finished Dreadbeard, as he was defeated.

Spyro: "It's over, Dreadbeard. We got you and your crew."

Captain Dreadbeard: "Oh, I thought you might say that."

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