Chapter 9: Spyro, Spyro, Spyro?

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    Skylands was now in trouble because now Overtron has spread his message to all over Skylands that he destroyed Master Eon, Kassondra, Wizbit, Kaos, Aurora, Spyro, and the D-Team, to ashes. Everyone including the Skylanders at the Academy were shocked to see that Overtron is back and the heroes are gone. Jet-Vac and his friends do not believe he couldn't destroy them easily but it was true of seeing the video of the heroes being destroyed and perished.

Eruptor: "He destroyed them? Can't be, can it?"

Stealth Elf: "I don't know, Master Eon, Kassondra, Kaos, Aurora, Nina, Zoran, the D-Team, and Spyro, they can't be gone."

Pop Fizz: "But did you see it with your eyes, he just vanquished them with one attack. And how is he back, we just got rid of him a long time ago."

Jet-Vac: "Well, he's now back again. And our friends are gone."

Cynder: "They're not gone!" As she did not believe. "Spyro and the kids are not gone."

Sprocket: "Cynder, I don't have to say this but they are gone."

Cynder: "No, they're not!" Screaming furiously. "I do not believe anything that I see!"

She was furious to believe they are not gone, but her friends still believe they are gone by Overtron's attack. She wanted not to believe but couldn't because it was all too real as she sobbed of her lost kids and her husband. The others do not know what to do, as Glumshanks and Hugo were sad about their masters gone and do not know what to do next. And Crash knew they wouldn't be gone because he has hope.

Crash Bandicoot: "There's no way they can be gone that way. If I knew Spyro, he would never have been defeated."

Glumshanks: "Even I believe that, but Kaos and Kassondra are gone. Along with Master Eon and Aurora."

Hugo: "Even Wizbit. I wish there's another way we can bring them back. The D-Team, and Spyro." As he moves his hand.

Then suddenly, a portal just almost appeared which got their attention by seeing what just happened. Hugo was surprised that he just almost opened a portal.

Stealth Elf: "Hugo, can you do that again?"

Hugo: "The D-Team, and Spyro......" As he moved his hand again.

The portal appears and fades again, as all of them see that Hugo can open portals with his bare hands.

Hugo: "I can open portals with my hands. I must be a Portal Master by now."

Flameslinger: "A what?"

Hugo: "Wizbit has me and Glumshanks train to be a Portal Master. And I think I can open portals with mine. If I am thinking about them, that means they're alive."

The others believed it might be true as they think they are alive.

Jet-Vac: "Well, what are you waiting for, open a portal if they are alive?"

Hugo began to open a portal by thinking of the D-Team and Spyro, as it began to open a portal. But it is still not opening, as he tries hard to open it wide.

Hugo: "This is how wide I can open it." As he is doing his best.

Just as he tries to open it, Glumshanks think if he too can open it. So he does what Hugo's doing, as they both start making the portal wider. And it did, as all of them couldn't believe they just opened a portal together. Then Cynder sees something through the portal, and sees a figure dragon who looks familiar.

Cynder: "Wait, I think, it's Spyro."

They all take a look to see, and see it is Spyro from the other side.

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