Chapter 3: The Ancient Place

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    In Skylands, Team Spyro defended their world and fought bad guys who threatened it. And they were heroes again, but only some thanked them for it.

Pop Fizz: "Are we getting some fans around here?"

Jet-Vac: "Only some, that's good. We just need to do more help."

As he thinks they should do more helping, they hear one of the mubu talking.

Mubu #1: "Who do you think is the best?" Asking to another mubu.

Mubu #2: "I think the D-Team's the best. Because they saved the Dragon Realm from evil ice serpents."

Mubu #3: "The D-Team are the heroes, my kids love them."

Mubu #4: "They totally kick bad guys' butt."

This makes them see that everyone likes the D-Team more than them.

Eruptor: "Wow, so everyone loves them more than us. Guess that means we aren't famous."

Spyro: "Come on, guys. We can still do it. Just need to..."

Stealth Elf: "Spyro, we've been out here for two hours. The villains don't want to fight us anymore. And we're not getting anything. Let's just head home."

Spyro doesn't want to head home because they have nothing to do. So his friends return home leaving him alone. Then Master Eon appears and sees them not having a great day or fighting any bad guys.

Master Eon: "I see how difficult it takes to get everyone to like you and your friends."

Spyro: "Master Eon..." As he was surprised. "Yeah, and I'm struggling to try to make us happy by fighting bad guys. But it seems that no one thanked or cheered for us to save them. And the villains only wanted to fight my kids, not us. Why is everything meant for them not us?"

Master Eon: "Well, they're your new generations. Nina and Zoran were born to you and Cynder. Nina is a learner with great education to be like her mother. And Zoran is a.... Well.... Has your ego which makes him related to you. I understand you're trying so hard so every Skylands' citizen likes you and your friends."

Spyro: "And that's what I really wanted. But it's not the same anymore. I wish there's another place where we can have new fans who never knew us."

Just for a moment, Master Eon thinks and has an idea to make him happy. Next day, the cadets come for Master Eon's announcement. Spyro and his friends were there waiting to hear.

Master Eon: "Greeting, cadets. Today, I announce that we are going on a field trip."

The cadets were confused, and so did Team Spyro, as Master Eon tells them.

Master Eon: "The field trip to a place where you all have seen before and learn more about becoming a Skylander. And I'm bringing our elite squad with us to help you all to get the best education and skills. And who wants to earn it from graduation."

The cadets really wanted to earn it and want to go there, as Spyro and his friends have no idea what the place is and they cannot go there cause they must protect Skylands.

Stealth Elf: "Wait, who will protect Skylands once we're gone?"

Master Eon: "And I had Cynder, Sprocket, and Flameslinger to protect Skylands once you guys are gone." As he told them. "And I have someone to help us travel there."

Jet-Vac: "And who is this someone?"

Flynn: "Me, of course."

They look and see Flynn who is waiting to go there.

Flynn: "I got your call so I came here to get my ship ready."

Cali: "Actually, I was the one who got the call. You were just sailing and singing."

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