Chapter 11: Spyros vs. the Sinisters Three

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Overtron has consumed every part of Skylands into his crystal and began his new powers now. He and Brain are almost ready to change Skylands into theirs.

Overtron: "All the Skylands' energy, finally mine. I can now be able to open rifts to any universe I want, including the Dragon Realm as well."

Brain: "Yes, yes, I know, but can we just do it now?"

Ovetron: "Yes, yes, I was getting to that part."

Before he can do it, Spyro interferes with their devouring as he takes his heroic pose. And Overtron was surprised he's alive.

Overtron: "You're alive? That's impossible!"

Spyro: "It's possible, and you're gonna pay for what you did to Master Eon and the others, and the team."

Overtron: "Well, at least they won't be the problem. After all, it's just you and me."

Brain: "And me.."

Overtron: "Not you!" As he grabs him on top. "You will keep guarding the Dark Rift Engine until I get rid of him, and this time he'll wipe for good."

Brain: "*Sighs* Fine." As he flies and keeps guarding the Rift Engine.

Overtron: "Now then, let's finish what we started."

Spyro made his move, and they both attacked with their abilities. Spyro uses his flame but it then absorbs into Overtron's crystal.

Overtron: "Do you forgot my crystal can still absorb your powers making me strong?"

Spyro: "Yeah, I notice now." As he fights.

He fights with every might, as Overtron hits him with one strike and is ready for the final attack.

Overtron: "This time, I'll make you gone forever!"

He blasts his powerful attack which hits him. He was hurt, and he was confused why he's not disappearing.

Overtron: "Huh? That's impossible. You're supposed to disappear into thin air."

Spyro wondered, too, how he survived the attack. But Overtron doesn't care about that question and wants to get rid of him for good. He is ready for his powerful attack but a lightning bolt strikes him. The two Spyros came to aid their Spyro, as Brain was shocked to see two Spyros.

Brain: "Two Spyros? I think I must be dreaming."

Overtron: "Two of them?" As he thinks and finally understands how. "Now I know why I can't destroy you, because of them. The two Spyros are in this universe which means they are keeping you here. If I destroy the three of you together, then you both will be wiped from existence."

Reginated Spyro: "That's not gonna happen, because we defeat any villains from our universe."

The three Spryos stood ready, as Overtron calculated and knew he needed to fight the odds.

Overtron: "I think I need to change the odds to even, by gathering the perfect villain that you Spyros are gonna face."

He then starts by using all his powerful magic and begins opening two portals between him. Then one came through from the left, which was an ape warrior. And the other came through was a dinosaur. And the two from different universes were confused and wondered where they were.

Dinosaur: "Hey, where am I? What is this place?"

Ape: "And what are you, reptile?"

As the two of them wanted to know, the two Spyros know who they are.

Tlos Spyro: "Gaul?"

Reginated Spyro: "Ripto?"

The two nemesis look and see their true enemy but confused there's three Spyros, as Overtron tells them.

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