Chapter 13: Presto Brain-o!!

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The Rift still remains open but then closes after swallowing anything because there's nothing around it. The Skylanders were happy Godagemions is gone, trapped in other dimensions with nothing he can't devour. And Brain was gonna make his getaway.

Brain: "Well, that's my cue." As he pops out his suitcase and a hat with his Mind magic. "Time to skedaddle. Ya-ya-ya-yaaa!"

But he was vacuumed by Jet-Vac's vac-gun because he was still in trouble.

Spyro: "Not so fast, squishy. You were the one helping him."

Brain: "Oh, come on, Spyro. The Intelligent who sent that guy who released me from the jar I've been living in for a thousand years. What am I supposed to do? Not help him?"

Stealth Elf: "Well, yes."

Brain: "Okay, so maybe helping Overtron wasn't the best idea to make him full "god mode" that I respect. But let's talk about that hero now, there's a ton of evildoers out there. *Chuckles* Am I right? I could help you with that."

Spyro: "How do we know if we could trust you?"

Jet-Vac: "Because if he tries any funny stuff it's back to the jar."

Brain: "What he said." As he was nervous.

Tlos Spyro: "*Ahem* And what about us? We're still here in this world. How can we go home?"

Brain: "Well, it's easy. I have Mind Magic. I can send you two back to your universe in a jiffy."

Cynder: "And if you dare send them somewhere you already know the answer."

Brain: "I promise, I won't send them somewhere only to their true universe." As he cracked his tentacle. "Now, are you two ready?"

Tlos Spyro and Reginated Spyro nodded as they were ready, and Brain was ready to send them back but interrupted when Spyro wanted to say something.

Spyro: "Hang on, I just wanted to say farewell."

Brain: "*Sighs* Okay, but please make this quick. I don't have all day."

Spyro met his counterpart and wanted to say something before farewell.

Spyro: "Seems like you guys are going home."

Tlos Spyro: "We sure are."

Reginated Spyro: "Agreed with you."

Spyro: "Listen, guys. I wanted to say something..... But it's hard for me to say it because ...."

Reginated Spyro: "Spyro, we know. It's hard for us to say it too. We are just glad we came here."

Tlos Spyro: "And we have been through alot bad guys we just faced. It's what we Spyros do."

Spyro then hugs them because it was the best day of meeting each other together with the same dragon, same powers, and same ego. Cynder comes up to them and thanks them.

Cynder: "I thank you two for helping my husband. I never doubt your life for risking everything."

Reginated Spyro: "Well, I risk it because it's what I do to save my dragon's friends."

Tlos Spyro: "And for me, even though you do look like "my Cynder" but beautiful."

Cynder blushes on how what he says about "his Cynder" then Team Spyro, the D-Team, and their friends come forward to say farewell.

Stealth Elf: "Wish you two stay for a while but I know you two have to go home."

Jet-Vac: "It was great meeting you two."

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