Chapter 8: The Dark Secrets

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The Skylanders have told Master Eon and the others that Nefarion has freed the Ancient called Brain. And inform that he is working with the Darkness.

Master Eon: "The Darkness have returned? This explains why he gathered the Dark Crystals. If the Darkness keeps consuming more dark energy, he may become stronger to resist the Core of Light."

Stealth Elf: "He already has Brain to help him create these Doomlanders, and they're stronger than us."

Kassondra: "It appears Nefarion has the strongest mind to create his own monster. The Mind Magic is very dangerous, we must find them and the Darkness before it's too late."

Spyro: "Then we must go." As he was ready.

Kassondra: "I'm sorry, Spyro. When Nefarion uses Mind Magic to create the Doomlanders you and your friends weren't strong enough to defeat them. But me, Eon, Wizbit, and Kaos are strong with Light and Dark magic. You all must rest, I will have the D-Team ready when they return from their mission."

Spyro: "But..."

Stealth Elf: "Spyro, we were almost beaten. We should let them deal with Nefarion and the Doomlanders."

This disappointed Spyro because they were not strong enough to defeat Nefarion's Doomlanders. Then the D-Team returns with Aurora. Nina sees her father and his friends as she hurries to meet her dad.

Nina: "Dad, how's the mission going?"

Her father did not reply but went away. Nina was confused why her father was not wanting to talk as she saw Team Spyro just not wanting to talk about it. And Kassondra came and asked her.

Kassondra: "Nina, we have a mission for you and the team."

Nina follows but to her mind why her father is not happy. Somewhere away from the Academy, Nefarion had Brain to use Mind Magic to build the Dark Rift Engine, and it was perfect. It was finally rebuilt, and the Darkness was happy he could finally begin his sinister plan.

The Darkness: "At last, with this I can use it to bring Skylands to their knees when they see my true power. I thank the both of you for helping me to prepare for my darkness to come."

Nefarion was about to speak, but Brain spoke first.

Brain: "Actually, it was my Mind Magic. Indeed that we are gonna rule Skylands with eternal darkness. I can use my mind to turn Skylands into your mindless zombie-army."

The Darkness: "I already have an army, Brain. Nefarion's ideas are perfect to create the Doomlanders to serve me. And yes, your Mind Magic will be greater good for the evil of my sinister plan. Now then, I must prepare to consume more dark energy from crystals. I am almost free. So take the Dark Rift Engine somewhere safe when I come through into this world."

He becomes a dark cloud and flies to his spot where the pile of dark crystals are. Nefarion and Brain began taking the rift engine somewhere secret.

Nefarion: "So, when this all over, what are you going to do?"

Brain: "Well, I'm gonna use Mind Magic to turn Skylands into my image. I imagine that I'm gonna be crowned to control what I really want with the Thinking Cap but it won't fit. Maybe I can be your Mind Magic backup. Even though we did great for beating the Skylanders with our Doomlanders."

Nefarion: "Yes, indeed. Even Wizbit can't defeat me when you're with me. This is the perfect day when we bring back the darkness."

They begin to sing while walking with the rift engine. And the Doomlanders join in to sing with them.

"Hoo, Ha, Hoo, Ha!"
"Hoo Ha, Hoo, Ha!"

"The Darkness was such a legend. Though he's long gone, his story lives on. If we bring back that darkness his evil will spread, give us a new start. Yeah, the Darkness will help us win, with all his sinister plans! No more playing nice. No more playing nice!"

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