Chapter 4: Skylanders meet the Nightmare King

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    The D-Team finished the spot where they were and went on to find the other dark crystals. When searching, Nina asks Flame how it happened.

Nina: "Flame, how did your guards find it?'

Flame: "Well...." As he explained. "When peace was restored, we began rebuilding for our future of the new city. And when we did, our moles discovered a dark crystal alone and mystic. That's when we soon realize it possessed dark power and all of it is everywhere, and the cheetah has found many of them lying around waiting for some dark master to claim it and possess its power."

Nina: "And that's why you came to us, knowing what it was."

Flame: "Indeed, and I have spent my days keeping peace and safety in this world. I never attended to see it in this realm. So, how was your world? I heard many of the Skylands' citizens like you, your brother, and your friends."

Nina: "Well, my friends and I have been awarded for saving Skylands. And everyone still liked us, then they gave us anything which made things worse. My father and his friends were elite Skylanders and were trying to fight bad guys but nobody liked them. And it's hurting them."

Flame: "I see, being famous for saving the world and the others who have been protecting for so long is not famous anymore. But sometimes they might be needed. And pretty soon, they'll still be needed."

Sparx: "He's right, but how famous can you get?"

Flame covers his mouth to keep shut, and Nina thinks about it and maybe he's right cause if they're in trouble they need their help. Then they arrived and found more dark crystals lying around.

Sunburn: "Wow, more dark crystal. How many are there anyway?"

Aurora: "I sense a lot of them just gleaming in darkness. Now I'll just have to..."

Before she's about to destroy one, an explosion attacks her as her friends help her.

Ember: "Aurora...."

They helped her, and then the dark minions reveal themselves and hisses furiously at them.

Camo: "What.... Who are they?"

Flame: "Don't know, but they look like.... Evil dark dragons. I think they must've touched them."

Aurora: "I don't think so, I sense no life in them. And they're not dragons, they're created from the darkness."

Zap: "From the darkness? But how? How are they created?"

Zoran: "Maybe the dark crystal must've created them?"

Nina: "Could be, cause I think they're protecting them from us. We have to destroy them. Skylanders, Unite!"

Nina and her friends join together and battle the dark minions. But their ability has no effect on them, and they don't feel pain.

Zap: "What? My powers won't work on them."

Echo: "Mine, too."

Sunburn: "I think our powers have no effect on them because they're created by darkness. We need something to destroy them."

Zoran: "Hey, what if something can destroy them. Like Light, light can destroy Dark, right?"

Aurora: "Then let's see.."

She strikes one of the dark minions, and it explodes into tiny sparkles. It works, the dark minions weakness are the lights. So, Aurora uses her ability and destroys every single dark minion into sparkles.

Zoran: "Dark covers the lights, lights uncover the dark."

Then more dark minions appear from the shades and begin to collect the dark crystals.

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