Chapter 5: The Portal Master Return

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Somewhere, the Dread Yacht has been sailing for an hour or two, and they still haven't arrived. Cali is playing chess with Jet-Vac which takes him a long time to checkmate.

Cali: "Okay, Jet-Vac, you know that thinking is gonna take longer."

Jet-Vac: "Let me think, I think...." As he moves his piece. "Okay, your turn."

As she is about to move hers, Flynn tells them all they have arrived.

Flynn: "We have arrived."

They come and look, and see they have arrived in a weird land with jungles and sands. And the friends knew what it was.

Eruptor: "Wait a sec, is this Wumpa Islands?"

Master Eon: "Indeed, this is where I sense the portal master here, somewhere."

Spyro: "So, all we have to do is find the portal master here, ask for his help, and return to stop the dark portal master."

Pop Fizz: "And one question, how are we gonna find him?"

Stealth Elf: "I think I know who can help us."

She was looking directly at something, as they turned right before someone was jumping from jungles to jungles and onto Flynn's ship, revealing it to be Crash Bandicoot.

Crash Bandicoot: "Hey-ya!"

Spyro/Pop Fizz/Eruptor/Stealth Elf/Jet-Vac: "Crash!"

Spyro: "Great to meet you. I was hoping we bump into you, again."

Crash Bandicoot: "I saw your ship flying around here so I came here to meet you guys."

Stealth Elf: "Say, where's your sister? Are the two of you supposed to do something with Aku?"

Crash Bandicoot: "Aku needs Coco for something. Wish to knew, but I did have a relaxing day at the beach. So, what brought you here today?"

Jet-Vac: "We're here to look for a portal master named Wizbit. Master Eon says he's here somewhere. He's a mubu, very wise, and learned how to teleport by portal himself."

Crash Bandicoot: "Wizbit? Portal Master? Very wise? Never heard of him, but I can help you find him somewhere around Wumpa Island."

Spyro: "Great, and we can all find him somewhere if we spread out."

Jet-Vac: "Good plan. I'll go with Crash."

Eruptor/Spyro/Stealth Elf: "Me too..."

Pop Fizz: "And me-e-e, too."

Crash Bandicoot: "Not a good plan for what I'm seeing. How about this? Spyro comes with me, Eruptor and Jet-Vac, and Stealth and Pop. Do we all agree?"

They agree and spread in three groups to find the portal master. As Spyro and Crash are alone, he asks him about how he's doing.

Crash Bandicoot: "So, Spyro, how is your day going?"

Spyro: "Doing great, I fought more bad guys and kicked their butts around. My friends and I have been protecting Skylands very much."

Crash Bandicoot: "And how 'bout your kids? I heard they fought Ice Serpents and defeated Silther the Ice Emperor. And became the hero of Skylands."

Spyro: "Yeah, they really did." As he then felt bad.

Crash noticed his sadness and wondered about his sad look.

Crash Bandicoot: "Hey, Spyro, what with the look? It looks like you've been touched by the sadness mask."

Spyro: "It's not that, it's how my kids became famous for defeating Silther. They have everything that my friends and I have. Is it enough for them to be that famous?"

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