Chapter 2: Friends Return

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    Next day, the D-Team returned to the Academy from the sleepover they had.

Zap: "Best.... Sleepover... ever!"

Echo: "Well, you really did tell a scary story. It was a nightmare."

Nina: "Come on, Echo, we both sometimes get nightmares from him. Well, maybe only Hugo, who tells a story of sheep. I mean, why sheep, they're not scary."

They laugh and enter, and meet Stealth, Eruptor, Jet-Vac, and Pop.

Jet-Vac: "Welcome back, Skylanders. So, did you have fun there?"

Camo: "It was great, Professor Jet-Vac. It was fun when we hung out. You were right about the sleepover."

Jet-Vac: "Of course I was right, I'm the genius one."

As they were talking, Nina and Zoran notice their parents are not here with them.

Zoran: "Hey, where's mom and dad?"

Eruptor: "We haven't seen them come out of their room. We thought maybe they're tired so we let them sleep."

Nina: "But they'll never be tired. They are always up and ready."

Stealth Elf: "I think I better go check with them."

She teleports with a pop and arrives at their door, and knocks. As she waits, Spyro opens and sees her.

Spyro: "Stealth, you're up late."

Stealth Elf: "Yeah, and your kids have returned."

Spyro: "Return? But they only return when we wake up in the morning."

Stealth Elf: "It's past morning, Spyro. What have you two been doing?"

Spyro remembers the night of what he and Cynder did, and Stealth caught a glance and saw Cynder in bed asleep. Before she can look more, Spyro interrupts trying not to let her see.

Spyro: "I was staying up late and that's how it happened. So, let's go." As he hurried.

Stealth was confused and wondered what just happened but she followed him, and they arrived in the grand library to meet them all. Nina and Zoran see their father and hurry to him.

Nina/Zoran: "Dad!" As they hug him.

Spyro: "Great to see you two again. Did you have fun over there?"

Nina: "We did, dad. It was great." Then she notices someone is missing. "Hey, where's mom?"

Spyro: "She's asleep. She'll wake up when we give her a surprise."

They giggle, and then something opens behind the others. They turn and see that it was a portal and someone came through surprising them. Flame, Ember, and Sparx came through the portal.

Spyro: "Flame? Ember? Sparx? What are you three doing here?"

Flame: "We need to talk, it's an emergency." As he was worried.

They do not know what's going on and why, as Ember was carrying something in her bag. As everyone was here, including Master Eon and Kassondra, Ember shows them wearing a glove and pulling out a dark crystal. They were surprised, as Ember puts it down.

Camo: "What is that?"

Flame: "The guards found it near the city. It affects one of them when they touch it. It appears it contains...."

Master Eon: "Dark Magic...." As he answered.

They all look at him, as he tells them how he knew it.

Master Eon: I sense it's dark energy inside it. It appears to be some sort of "Dark Crystal."

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