Chapter 12: The Devourer of World

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All of them surround Overtron, as he is in no condition to fight them all but he has another plan he has been waiting for all those years.

Overtron: "I will not be defeated by all of you, Skylanders. I can still have what I want, even if I have to give up my body again. Brain, you know what to do."

Brain: "Well, if this gonna work for you? I suppose this body of yours is going to work to take over Skylands more than I ever imagined in your mind."

Overtron: "Brain!"

Brain: "*Sighs* Fine." As he begins using Mind Magic. "Presto Brain-o!!"

The Thinking Cap starts to levitate to Overtron, and the Dark Rift Engine was taking aparts at a time and attaching themselves to him. Every part of it came to him, as he was being covered around him and levitated into the air and spun. They all watch, as Overtron has started to transform.

Crash Bandicoot: "That can't be good." While watching.

And soon, Overtron has transformed into a giant monstrous metal creature with big wings, four arms, four voids, and a stomach-mouth. Overtron regains himself and reveals his new personality he has become now.

Overtron: "I am no longer Overtron anymore, I am now your true God of this universe. I am Godagemions! Known as "G.O.D.A.G.E.M.I.O.N.S." Stands for, "Galactic, Order, Dimension, Artificial, Generations, Evolution, Monstrous, Intelligent, Omega, Nexus, Supreme."

Zoran: "Galactic, Order, Dimension..." As he tries to spell it out. "Ah, now I understand that name. I thought he just made that up to give himself the credits. But it is cool how he did that."

Nina: "It won't be cool if he is that size. Quick, take him down!"

All of them use their powers and attack him, but their powers only lead straight to his stomach mouth as it eats them.

Pop Fizz: "Did that stomach mouth just swallow them?"

Then Godagemions fueled with their elements and grew stronger and bigger than his last size.

Camo: "And he just got bigger?"

Flameslinger: "I'm sensing his body has become more than I sensed before. His body has become a devourer that feeds on pure energy that surrounds us giving him the strength and the sizes of his waist."

Master Eon: "Overtron! You have gone mad! What else do you plan to do with our world?"

Godagemions: "I am gonna devour this world and create my own image of my design. Then I'll keep devouring more universes and create what's left of them, and devour more to build my own universe as my vision. I'll be the true god that you never see. A true god."

Spyro: "The only true thing about you is getting your butt kicked by us."

They all attacked with everything they got, but he was tougher with armor shells around him. He then spit out of his dark minions to attack them. They defeated them but more came out, as many more just kept on coming. But spitting them out causes him to shrink smaller from using his energy to create his army.

Cynder: "Look, Godagemions is shrinking when spitting out more of his minions."

Jet-Vac: "She's right, we might be able to shrink him back to his size if he keeps on doing it."

The Skylanders keep on fighting more minions to keep Godagemions to spit more of his minions. And soon, he was getting smaller and knew need more energy so he then devoured dark crystals and grew bigger to his size again.

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