Chapter 6: How to find the Dark Rift Engine

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The heroes have returned to M.A.P. and the cadets see them have arrived. Once landed, they soon meet the portal master Wizbit. They were excited to meet him, as the D-Team saw them crowding and saw him as well.

Nina: "Is that who I think it is?"

Zoran: "I think it is."

They soon hurry to meet him like he was famous and a hero. As all of them wanted to know how long he had been gone, Master Eon settled them down.

Master Eon: "Okay, cadets. You can ask him many questions later. As for the D-Team, you can come with us. We have more missions ahead of us."

The D-Team follows Team Spyro, and meets in the courtyard. Wizbit was amazed by how Skylands have changed with the bright sky and floating isle.

Wizbit: "Ever since I remember how Skylands was, it was filled with wonderful creatures in peace."

Nina: "Indeed, the Skylanders have been protecting this world since you disappeared. And now you return, I have so many questions." As she begins asking so many questions. "How long have you been gone? Do you know how the portal works? Any powers or magic you have? How did you shatter Nefarion's mask?"

With so many questions, Spyro comes and introduces her and the team.

Spyro: "Sorry, she loves history. This is my daughter, Nina. My son, Zoran. And they're friends."

Wizbit met them, as they were surprised to meet the portal master. After introducing, they all gather around how to find Nefarion and the Darkness. And Hugo and Glumshanks are here too, and they have informed them something from the Academy.

Master Eon: "Hugo and Glumshanks have informed us about the Academy. Someone has stolen the chest from the vault."

Stealth Elf: "Stolen? What was stolen?"

Glumshanks and Hugo show them, and what was stolen was the same chest that Captain Dreadbeard had stolen. But now it was stolen again.

Jet-Vac: "But what was in it?"

Then Master Eon explained what was in the chest.

Master Eon: "Long time, when the Ancients created this world, they sent out exploring new worlds by creating a rift engine letting them explore every universe. But it wasn't enough to travel to every single one of them until they decided to use their Mind Magic to create a powerful rift engine, the Dark Rift Engine. Once they create and use it, it opens another dimension, and it is powerful. Until something went wrong. The Engines began opening much larger and brought the Darkness from his dimensions into our. He devoured and brought darkness upon Skylands, as the Portal Master sought the Core of Light and banished the Darkness into his dimensions. With him gone, Skylands was at peace once again." And if this Dark Rift Engine is what the Darkness really wanted to come into our world, then this is what he really wanted again."

Spyro: "So, that means they are already using it by now."

Master Eon: "Not exactly, the Dark Rift Engine is sealed in the Vault of the Ancients. The chest contains the map to the locations of the vault. If Nefarion's really gonna go there, then they will have it to let the Darkness cross into our world. We cannot let him do it. I needed both teams to go there at once before they steal it."

Echo: "So, are we gonna find it?"

Master Eon: "If I recall remembering where it is. I will take you all there at once before they do. As the rest of you, be ready for anything if Nefarion comes back here."

The Teams agree and begin their mission to find the vault. Then Nina notices Wizibit isn't coming.

Nina: "Hey, you're coming?"

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