October 1990 (Kid from the City)

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Melissa, Cathy, Adam, and Daisy had recently started eighth grade. They were all still close as ever, and still hung out whenever they could. It was just the second month of their final year of middle school. To their delight, they had all gotten the same homeroom that year, after being split up in sixth and seventh grade. They sat at their desks, waiting for the bell to ring to start the day.

"Ugh..." Mel groaned, "I don't wanna go to science today... Might just cut and nap under the bleachers in the gym for the period."

"I can't afford to not go," Cathy said, "My parents aren't gonna be happy if I don't get my grades up soon. Eighth grade is harder than I thought it would be."

"Oh, come on guys," Adam said, "It's not that bad! I mean, life could be worse than some bad grades and boring teachers."

"Yeah?" Mel laughed, "I doubt it. I just wanna- Oh... Who's that?"

She motioned with her head towards the classroom door, and they all looked over. There was a boy that had just walked in, but it wasn't anyone they recognized. He was some breed of hound dog, he had gray eyes and brown fur, with long black floppy ears. He was pretty tall for an eighth grader, too. The boy looked like he was a little uneasy as he looked around for a desk.

"I dunno," Cathy said, "But he's cute... You should go for him, Melly."

"Please," Mel said with an eye roll, "He's definitely cute, but I don't even know him."

"Just saying," Cathy shrugged, "With those looks, he's not gonna last long, if he's single now that is."

"I'll think about it," Mel said, "Besides, who says he can handle my spunk?"

"Only one way to find out," Cathy winked.

"Maybe later," Mel said, "Gotta stay low and scope him out first."

"Well, if you don't make a move, maybe I will~" Daisy joked, which caused Adam to nervously look up at her.

Only Cathy saw his reaction, "Daiz," she said, "Only fair Mel gets first crack, she saw him first, ya know."

"Ohhh, I guess," Daisy laughed.

Adam breathed a sigh of relief, for now.

Later that day, they all met up to walk home from school.

"So," Cathy said as they walked down the sidewalk, "Is that new boy in any other classes with you? I forgot to ask during gym."

"Sure is," Mel replied, "We started our history project today, and I actually got paired up with him."

"Ohhhh," Daisy said, "Is he nice?"

"He's pretty quiet," Mel said, "He didn't talk much. I know his name is Jedidiah, but he goes by Jed... He has a city accent, Queens I think, but I'm not sure. He said his family just moved to town from the city."

"A city boy?" Cathy said, "Not usually the quiet type..."

"Well, did ya ask him out!?" Daisy asked.

"Not yet," Mel said, "I think I was kinda intimidating to him... Not everyone can handle me, ya know."

"Right," Cathy laughed, "Rebellious, punk Melly is soooo scary... You may look the part, but you're still a softee."

"Haha," Mel said, "Funny... But he doesn't know that."

"Go for it," Cathy said, "He literally has no reason to say no."

"We'll seeeee..." Mel replied, "I wanna know him a little better first."

"If you insist," Cathy said, "Just be careful someone else doesn't get to him first."

Daisy and Mel walked ahead, continuing to talk about Jed, leaving Cathy and Adam a little bit behind.

"Bro," Cathy said, "You gotta ask her soon, she's not gonna be available forever..."

"I know, I know..." Adam said, "I just... Ugh, I don't know. If it doesn't work out, then our friendship will just be awkward..."

"Maybe," Cathy said, "but it could also work and you both fall madly in love."

"Yeah, but..."

"I'm not gonna force you," Cathy said, "I just think you should. Sometimes, you just gotta take a risk."

Adam just remained silent as he thought about it. He knew she was right, but he still wasn't sure. The last thing he wanted was to look dumb or make things weird between them.

A couple days later, Cathy, Daisy, and Adam were hanging out at Cathy's house. It was a Saturday, and the middle of the afternoon. The day had been going slow when they heard the front door open and slam shut, followed by Melissa bursting into the living room.

"Guys!" She exclaimed.

"Hi, Melly," Cathy said, "You look... Excited?"

"Heck yeah!" Melly said.

"I thought you and Jed were working on your project today?" Daisy asked.

"We were," Melissa said. She sat on the couch next to Adam, "He had to go home, but next time we see each other, it'll be an actual date!"

"Oh my Dog!" Cathy said excitedly, "How, when, and where?"

"Well," she began, "We were working on our project, and like... I don't really know, but I just kinda turned on the charm and I could tell he was getting flustered so... I asked if he wanted to go to the arcade with me after school next Tuesday."

"You stink at arcade games though," Cathy joked.

Melissa laughed, "Yeah, but he's hot soooooo..."

"Can I be the maid of honor?" Cathy asked, "When you two inevitably get married?"

"Haha," Mel said, "He may be super cute, but he's really reserved, he'll have to break that if it's gonna be long term... I'm a wild child."

"Right," Cathy said, "The worst thing you've done is snuck out at ten o'clock to get some ice cream at the diner."

"Worst thing so far," Mel said, "Do not underestimate my rebelliousness!"

"Whatever," Cathy said with an eye roll, "I just want details after your date."

"Oh, don't worry," Mel replied, "There shall be deetz."

A couple weeks went by, and just as Cathy had suspected, Jed and Mel had begun spending more and more time together. Before long, they had made it official. Cathy, Daisy, and Adam could tell the two clicked, and Jed had even started hanging out with them once in a while. Though he began to integrate into their group, he remained pretty quiet most of the time.

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