October 1995 (Growing)

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Adam, Cathy, Daisy, Jed, and Melissa were now all out of high school. They graduated that past June, and were now off to college. Adam was doing better, still struggling with his depression, but his suicidal thoughts haven't been nearly as bad, he had grown more confident that he could beat it. Daisy was keeping him alive. The five friends were all attending the same college, Jed would be there longer than the rest of them, though, since he was going for a masters to be a teacher. Mel hadn't planned on school, but she had decided to do so anyway, she told her friends she figured that it would look good for a future job opportunity.

Cathy had joined a sorority, one of the most well-known ones, and was quite the partier. In fact, there had been a particular party on campus the first week of school at one of the frat houses. The night was kind of a haze, almost like every room in the house was, but Cathy still remembered enough of what went down. It was a couple weeks afterwards that Cathy came to Mel in the commons area one day. She was sitting with Jed while they both did some homework.

"Uhhh, guys?" Cathy said, sitting down across from them, "I need to talk to you."

"Sure," Mel said, "This stuff is boring anyway."

Cathy took a deep breath, "You guys know that party I went to the first week of school? Where I met Joseph?"

Joseph was her new boyfriend, who was a senior.

"Yeah," Mel said, "Party sounded wild. Wish I had been invited."

"Yeah..." Cathy said, "Well, what I didn't mention was that same night... Joe and I... Kinda hooked up."

"Oh, you vixen," Mel laughed, "Was it goooood?"

"Heheh..." She laughed nervously, "Yeah, it was great... But now I'm pregnant."

"You're... What now?" Melissa said in shock, the smile disappearing off her face.

"Yeah," Cathy said, "I can't frickin' believe it either..."

"Really?" Jed asked, "Ya know, I'm getting my masters, I can give you a biology lesson."

Cathy picked up a pen that was sitting at the table and threw it at him, which only made him laugh.

"Anyways," Cathy said, "I still like Joe, but I've only been dating him for a week... I don't know how he's gonna react to this..."

"Sweetie," Melissa said, "If he even thinks about dipping, just tell me and I'll turn him into a pretzel, okay?"

"Heh," she chuckled, "I'll talk about it more later, I told him to meet me out by the statue."

"Good luck," Jed told her.

Cathy just gave a nod before leaving.

"Wow," Melissa said, "First Marissa got pregnant at seventeen earlier this year, now Cath is pregnant too... Must be something in the air lately."

"Yeah," Jed laughed, "Their legs."

Melissa elbowed him, "Jed!"


Cathy stood in one of the courtyards of the school campus. She was leaning up against a statue. It was about two in the afternoon, and it was a Monday. Cathy had spoken to Joe earlier this morning, when she stopped by his dorm room, but she didn't want to have this heavy news hanging over him as he took his classes for the day. Cathy wanted to be able to stay with him and talk for as long as they needed to after breaking the news. So, she chose to wait to tell him until he was done with everything. She saw him down the sidewalk. He threw a wave up into the air and sped up to reach her.

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