June 1993 (Ask Her!)

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Later that month, Adam, Mel, Jed, and Cathy were hanging out at Melissa's place. Adam wanted to make some plans since he didn't have anything going on.

"So, you guys doing anything this weekend?" Adam asked, "I was figuring we could hang out like usual."

"Can't this weekend," Melissa said, "Jed's coming to the city with me and my family."

"George said something about wanting to hang out with me on Saturday," Cathy said, "Then Sunday my family and I are busy."

"But ya knowwww~" Mel said, "Daisy told me she's got nothing going on this weekend, maybe you two could do something together~"

"Uhhh..." Adam blushed, "What do you mean?"

"Oh please, Adam," Mel laughed, "Cath told me a long time ago you like her. Just ask her out already, heck, she already technically saw you naked... Besides, I get the feeling she likes you too."

"What makes you so sure?" Adam asked, "What if you're wrong? What if it doesn't work out and we can't be friends anymore? What if-"

"Hey," Mel said, pushing her finger to his lips, "Shut up and don't worry about it. I'm pretty sure she'll say yes... Plus, you guys would go great together, I dunno why you can't see that."

"Oh, look," Cathy said, looking out the window behind the couch "Here she comes now."

"Daisy! Come in!" Melissa exclaimed as their friend knocked on the door and opened it, "Adam here has something he wants to ask you, so we'll be back in a few minutes."

Mel pulled Jed with her as she and Cathy walked to the kitchen.

"What'd you wanna ask?" Daisy asked, "and why'd they leave?"

Adam felt trapped now.

"Uhh..." He was trying to quickly decide if he should just go for it or not.

Daisy kept her eyes on him, she giggled a little at Adam's apparent nervousness.

"Hellooo?" she laughed, "Earth to Adam?"

"Do you... wanna... hang out this weekend?" Adam asked.

"Of course, why wouldn't we?" Daisy replied, "Did you ask everyone else too?"

"I did, but they all said they're busy."

"Oh, so just us then?" Daisy questioned.

"Yeah. Only if that's okay, I mean."

"Don't be silly! It's more than just okay! We've been friends for years, I'm sure it'll be fun with or without the others," she insisted with a smile.

Melissa and Catherine were still listening from the kitchen, with the sides of their faces pressed to the wall, while Jed just rolled his eyes with a smirk at their eavesdropping.

"Ooof, total friendzoning," Melissa cringed, as she looked back at Cathy with disappointment.

"What's that kid doing... we just gave him the perfect chance.." Cathy said.

"He's not gonna do anything with us standing right here," Jed pointed out, "if he ever asks her out, I can guarantee you two won't have the pleasure of witnessing it firsthand. You'll have to wait and find out. I just hope it happens in our lifetime at this rate."

"Well, he better hurry up, I'm not getting any younger..." Cathy groaned.

The girls accepted their defeat and so the three dogs returned to the living room to rejoin the two squirrels. Afterwards, the five friends just carried on with their evening as per usual. 

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