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"Good for you, you're doin' great out there without me... Baby, God, I wish that I could do that"
– good 4 u, Olivia Rodrigo

AFTER A MORNING OF STORM SPIRITS, goat men, and flying (read: mist-formed) boyfriends, I should've been losing my mind. Instead, all I felt was dread.

It's starting, I thought. Just like the dream said.

I stood in the back of the chariot with Leo and Annabeth, while the bald guy, Butch, handled the reins, Jason's so-called girlfriend was in the front, adjusting a bronze navigation device. Jason himself was next to her and their shoulders were touching. Although they didn't seem to care, it made me fume. Anyways, we rose over the Grand Canyon and headed east, the icy wind ripping straight through my jacket. Behind us, more storm clouds were gathering.

The chariot lurched and bumped. It had no seat belts and the back was wide open, so I wondered if Jason would catch me again if I fell. That had been the most disturbing part of the morning—not that Jason could fly, but that he'd held me his arms and yet claimed that I wasn't his girlfriend.

All semester I'd worked on a relationship, trying to get Jason to notice me as more than a friend. Finally, I'd gotten the big dope to kiss me. The last few weeks had been the best of my life. And then, three nights ago, the dream had ruined everything-that horrible voice, giving me the horrible news. I hadn't told anyone about it, not even Jason.

Now I didn't even have him. It was like someone had wiped his memory, and I was stuck in the worst "do-over" of all time, with such a gorgeous girl competing against me. I wanted to scream. Jason stood right ahead of her so that she could see his face: those sky blue eyes, close-cropped messy blond hair, that cute little scar on his upper lip. His face was kind and gentle, but today it didn't have its usual sadness on it, as if being next to Anna solved everything. And he just stared at Anna, the two occasionally snorting and laughing, it was as if he had forgotten all the fun he and I had together, which he had, but, still...

Meanwhile, Leo was annoying, as usual. "This is so cool!" He spits a pegasus feather out of his mouth. "Where are we going?"

"A safe place," Anna said, a big smile on her face as if she was the happiest person ever at the moment. "The only safe place for kids like us. Camp Half-Blood."

"Half-Blood?" I was immediately on guard. I hated that word. I'd been called a half-blood too many times-half Cherokee, half white-and it was never a compliment. "Is that some kind of bad joke?"

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