27. Aragon's Sword

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Looking through Greta's book we found another clue. Am address. Jax called Dougie who looked it up. It's the location of a museum. A museum of supernatural artifacts.

"Do we really think the sword of Aragon is in a human museum?" I ask confused by the new information we learned.

"Hidden in plain sight. No one would expect it to be the real thing. Just a cheap knockoff. I say we check it out." Jax says and I agree. We get up from our seats to grab our stuff to leave.

Theo's voice stops us. "Did you forget we have to go see Mary Beth, the ogre? We need to see if she knows anything about Queen Merda and Greta."

I slap my forehead. "You're right Theo. We should split up. You boys go see the ogre and I'll go to the museum and get the sword."

Jax growls and his eyes flash red. "No way! We're not splitting up. It's a bad idea. Could be a trap."

Balling up my fists in anger I walk up to Jax and poke his chest. "When are you going to learn to trust me? I have handled going out alone for almost three years now. I can do this!"

We stare at each other silently. Both of us are angrily waiting for the other to make a move. Our chests heave up and down with our heavy breathing. We're at a crossroads. Only one of us will when this argument.

Jax sighs and takes a step back. "Fine go check out the museum. But keep your phone on you at all times. If anything. I mean anything happens. You call me."

I smile knowing I won. "I will call you, I promise. But you also call me if you need trouble. I don't know much about ogres but I read they are very angry and territorial."

Jax growls again. "We can handle it. Trust me. Right, Theo?" He calls out and Theo's voice pops up from the kitchen.

Theo is sitting on the kitchen counter eating a shiny red apple. I have no idea where he even got it from.

"Yeah, Swift we got this. No need to worry about us. Ogres and Elves are long-time friends. But I am sad I won't get to see a human museum." He pouts.

"Sorry, Theo. Not sure a vampire and elf would blend in well at a small human museum." I say sincerely.

Poor Theo constantly has to wear a hat when we go in public. I feel bad he has to hide his true self. But I don't want him to be in danger. He already almost died once because of me.

After a long dramatic parting with Jax, I make it to the museum. My Beloved was so worried about me that he triple-checked the weapons on me, forced me to wear a bulletproof vest under my shirt, and made out with me for fifteen minutes telling me he didn't want to forget how I taste.

The last one I didn't mind. I love Jax but he worries for no reason. The land of Ogres happens to be an hour away from this metropolitan city. Odd to me but I don't question it. Still, we are close enough to each other if one is in danger we can help them.

Standing outside the museum I try to estimate how large it is. The large red brick building is about fifteen feet tall. I have no idea how large the inside is but I would estimate about 10, 000 square feet. Stepping in I notice the door is automatic. This is good.

A security guard with no muscle mass greets me. He is older them me, mid-forties. Height six feet and weight about two fifty. I can take him. I tell myself.

Welcome to Martha's Museum of Monsters." The guard greets me in a friendly voice.

Smiling back I grab a brochure. The museum is split into different sections. Vampire and werewolf folklore, Bigfoot sightings, Zombies real or not? And the last one is supernatural artifacts.

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