33. Mr. Foster

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I have been wanting to mark Sasha since I met her. But I'm glad I waited. I knew she would pass out from the pain. Not even vampires can handle the kiss. Now I can go surprise an old friend without her following. Sneaky I know.

Finding the Royal Palace will be impossible alone. That's why I need help. If I can get to the Royal palace and talk to Vlad maybe I can get him to stop this madness. I have no idea why he wants Sasha so bad. Is it just because she is part fae? Is it because she is my beloved? Is he just trying to get back at me?

The only way to find out is to confront him. Sadly he won't let you find him unless he wants you to. If I didn't know he was a vampire I would think Vlad is a ghost. He is fast and gets out of places without being seen. He is the one who taught me how to blend into shadows. He is the master of the dark art.

My impromptu trip tonight has me standing outside a familiar pub. A quaint place for the supernatural called BrightFox. On the outside, it looks like a dump. Brown chipped paint on the outside, metal bars on the windows. And the glowing sign doesn't even work.

Walking in a few look at me but quickly go back to minding their business. Everyone in here is a criminal. All of us are dangerous. If a fight breaks out the place will be a slaughterhouse. Another reason I had to leave Sasha behind. The girl is always looking for a fight. Add vampires to the mix and it's like Christmas morning to her.

Inside the place, it hasn't changed either. Ugly green wallpaper, dark oak tables with blood stains. And my favorite jukebox that only plays three songs from the 1950s. I go straight to the bar. Sliding onto the seat next to an old friend I order a bourbon.

"I see you found me. What do you want this time?" He asks wasting no time between us.

I narrow my eyes at him as I look him up and down. He still looks the same. Short, curly salt and pepper hair and the largest mustache I have ever seen.

"You're not hard to find Mr. Foster. You were my teacher for many years. You taught me how to track a leprechaun."

He takes another sip of his gin. "I have been coming here every Thursday for at least a hundred years. You have always known where to find me. Now the question is what do you want Jax?"

"Tell me where he is. Now!" I growl and a few heads turn towards us. Mr. Foster waves them off.

"He doesn't want to see you unless you have the girl. Still, I doubt he leaves you alive, Son or not."

It's taking all my strength not to rip his throat out. Mr. Foster was my teacher for years. He was strict but fair. But his loyalty to my dad is unmatched compared to mine. So now I have to play a different card in my deck.

I smirk. "Yeah, my dad has a way with women. Just like he stole yours right? Isabella, you loved her for years. But she only had eyes for him. Never even gave you a second glance. I remember watching you watch her from afar-"

He slams his glass down harsher than usual and I know I might have a chance he will crack.

"Isabella is only a friend. A colleague really. Nothing else Jax. I know the game your playing it won't work."

"Game? Do I seem like the type to play games mate? Rubbish, I tell you. But I could have sworn you gifted Isabella a rare golden necklace once. But maybe I'm wrong and you haven't been secretly pining over my dad's whore for years."

Mr. Foster's buttons are finally pushed. He throws his glass at the wall and his small hand wraps around my throat.

"You know choking is a kink for me." I laugh and his hand slowly releases.

"She isn't a whore. But fine you want to know where he is I'll tell you. But it will be your funeral. He compelled you for a reason. You're nothing to him!" Getting up angrily he pulls a pen out of the pocket of his red plaid shirt. Scribbling on a napkin he slams it down.

"It's been a pleasure." I smirk and grab the paper.

Walking towards the door I stop when I see a pissed-off blonde glaring me down. I forgot with the mark she will be able to find me. It's like having a bone in your pocket. The damn dog can sniff you out. I just hope mine doesn't bite.

"Really you leave me to drink and hang with other criminals?" She asks in a pissed-off tone.

My throat suddenly dries up. She can't be here. She isn't safe. If anyone finds out who she is they will kill her or drag her to Vlad before I get a chance to talk to him. I grab her by the arm and start dragging her towards the front door.

"Let's go now! Please." I say through gritted teeth but she pulls her arm away abruptly.

"No. Tell me why you were here. Were you meeting someone? I wake up from your damn vampire kiss and you leave me all alone." She shouts and I know she is pissed but this isn't the place to argue.

"Love. This isn't the right place. Let's just go, now." I growl but I'm interrupted when a guy walks in the door past us and sniffs the air.

"Human!" He growls and his eyes turn red and his fangs come out.

"Aw fuck. We have to get out of here now!" I yell but I see the guy turn towards Sasha. I immediately jump in front of her but she is too fast she grabs a stake out of nowhere and throws it over my shoulder at the guy's chest hitting his heart and turning him into ashes.

"Good riddance asshole." She smirks and I hear more growls behind us.

We both turn around to a lot more vampires, a few werewolves, and an angry Mr. Foster at the bar. I look to him for help but he just smiles and claps his hands disappearing into gold flecks.

"Damn leprechauns and their disappearing tricks." I whisper.

"So maybe I shouldn't have done that." Sashas says to me and I nod.

"Nope but here we are. You take the ones on the left. I take right." I suggest and Sasha grabs a knife out of her pocket with a wooden blade.

After a heated bar fight with vampires and werewolves, we leave the bar covered in blood and guts. I drive while Sasha chews me out.

"I can't believe I had to save your ass again!" She shouts and I fake laugh.

"Save me? I had to help you when that guy had you pinned against the wall! Bloody hell woman everywhere you go destruction happens!"

Sasha folds her arm across her chest. I can't help but stare at her cleavage. She has a red tank top on. I bite my lip and I hear her sigh.

"Really Jax. Checking me out when I'm mad at you. You're disgusting!" She stares straight ahead refusing to look at me.

"Sorry love. But honestly, I didn't tell you where I was going because it's dangerous. And the person I met was an old friend. I wanted to speak with him privately."

"Well, I hope it was worth it. I ruined my good shoes." She confesses.

"It was. I got the address of the Royal palace. In a few days, this will all be over."

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