40. The Black Witch

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"What do you mean you're the black witch? I thought you were dead!"
Jewel laughs. "No that's what they want everyone to think. The Royal Council. They trapped me here about fifty years ago."

I'm so confused. According to Greta, the black witch worked alongside the Royal council. Now she says she is a prisoner. Of course, they also killed Greta and many other innocent supernatural creatures. But still, can I trust what she says?

"What do you mean they trapped you? You're like the strongest witch ever! Plus I thought you worked together."

"We never worked together. Instead of convicting me of my crimes they trapped me here in this cell. They want to try and harness my power."

I'm shocked luckily she can't see my face. "So did they do it? Did they steal your power? Is that why they haven't killed you?"

"So many questions child. But yes they tried. But I'm a lot stronger than they detected. I killed Vlad's beloved. That's when the real torture started. You know Vlad he likes to hurt women. Women like us. Just because we're stronger than him."

"How do you know I'm stronger than him?" I asked puzzled.

"You smell like her. The woman he used to keep down here."

I place my hands on the metal cell door and get shocked. I back away. This can't be true? Vlad couldn't have captured another fairy and definitely not my mother.

"What happened to her? The woman. Tell me now!" I demand.

The walls and ground start to shake. The large metal door to the cell flies off its hinges and falls to the ground. I fall on my back and look up. It's her the black witch.

I'm truly amazed. She is beautiful. She has long white hair to her waist. Her eyes are crystal blue. Her skin is pale like a ghost. She looks normal besides the rag of clothes she has on. A long jagged scar and runs down her face. There is no way she is as old as they say she is. She looks my age.

The ground continues to shake as she steps toward me with her hands raised.

"He is dead. Finally! Goodbye child I will see you soon!" She snaps her fingers and black smoke fills the room.

I start coughing from the smoke. Whatever it was it's deadly. I struggle to breathe and feel dizzy. Arms wrap around me.

"Swift. It's okay I found you. Stay awake please love." I'm lifted off the ground and try to find the right words to say. I have to warn him. Something isn't right.

"She's free." I whisper before darkness hits me followed by a blinding white light.

*The Sequel called Sasha Swift 2 Late to Die will be released soon.*

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