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"Guess who" I heard a familiar voice say as he covered my eyes, I couldn't help but smile.

"I don't know who?" I replied sticking my tongue out and trying to lick his fingers, he always hated that, and the second my tongue touched his skin he flinched back in disgust causing me to burst out into laughter, a bunch of people staring at us but he didn't care.

I was slowly falling in love with this boy and I didn't give a shit who saw us together.

He made his way next to me and turned to look into my eyes, a smile formed on his lips as he looked at me his hand slowly moving the hair out of my face, as I lowered my head.

He grabbed my chin and pulled it back up so I was looking at him "You're really pretty", his voice a little above a whisper, our faces inches apart. I could feel his breathing on my skin. It made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.

I looked into his hazel eyes, he was so sincere. Me and Ashton have only been dating for 3 months but I loved him, I knew I loved him he made me feel things I wasn't sure I would ever feel but Ashton made me happy.

"You're really pretty yourself" I smiled back and tried to cover up the blush on my cheeks.

We just looked at each other for a while, so encapsulated by the beauty of the person in front of us, I was so mesmerized I could barely speak. His face slowly leaned in as our lips touched.

they moved so in sync and perfect, he tilted his head to the side as I moved my arms to the back of his neck and played with the baby hairs on the back of his head.

I felt a small smile on his lips as we kissed, god I loved Ashton more than anyone in the whole world.

We slowly backed away which caused me to pout and him to laugh.

"There's a party tonight if you wanna go? You can sneak out tonight right?" he asked and I nodded.

"Where?" he and Ashton were huge party animals, we went to them all the time and I always had so much fun.

"In the woods," he said as he leaned back on the bleachers and put his arm around me as I snuggled myself into his chest for warmth

I wish I could go back and tell myself to not go to the party that night, but I guess things happen for a reason.

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