epilogue <3

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Ashton Irwin was an alcoholic in every sense of the word, he went through a lot as a child things no one knows about.

not the guys, not the public, and most things not even Rae.

he loves parties, he loved getting drunk with friends he loved the buzz he got from waking up not remembering what the fuck had happened the night before.

he would bring a flask or sometimes two everywhere he went, he was never sober when anyone saw him.

he wasn't fucking stupid he knew it was a problem, he knew it was out of hand but he liked how he coped.

he liked how alcohol made him feel, he liked the burn he felt once the liquid flew down his throat.

he liked the headache he got the morning after. so he never got help, no matter how many times his girlfriend cried and begged he just never did.

he would yell and take his anger out on her never physically though.

Ashton Irwin may have been an alcoholic and an asshole but one thing he never was is a cheater.

Everything you know about Ashton Irwin is a fucking lie.

Lies created by psychology psycho whore.

When Raelynn Carter was 15 she met a boy named Ashton, and she fell head over heels for Ashton.

the couple planned to be together forever, but they weren't like every other high school couple because Ashton and Rae had potential.

Ashton was asked to join a band, and he did. he met these amazing guys and formed a bond that would last forever.

Eventually, Rae met the members of Ashton's band mates but there was one she recognized. Calum Hood.

Calum was someone the girl knew pretty well, hell they had their first kiss together.

But they agreed to never speak of it and let Rae be happy with Ash.

But Rae couldn't take her eyes off Calum, every single time she looked at him she couldn't help but picture what he would look like naked on top of her.

These feelings grew intensely to the point she couldn't control herself around him, every time she knew he would be around she would dress a certain way and make sure to squeeze her tits together every chance she got.

Calum noticed and on any normal, occasion they would have fucked already. but this wasn't every other occasion, this was one of his best friend's girlfriends so he kept his distance.

Rae couldn't handle it; she needed him.

So she would find him when he was drunk off his ass and fuck sneaking out before Calum would even know what happened.

and this wasn't just once, Raelynn did it all the time.

Even though she was in a happy relationship she would go and fuck another guy just to sleep in a nice warm bed next to Ashton telling him how much she loved him.

and Calum wasn't the only guy, she would fucked anyone and everyone in sight, she couldn't help it she struggled with hypersexuality.

and after a few years, Ashton just wasn't cutting it in bed, she still loved him though.

She was in a rough spot for years from this mindset she wasn't a fucking idiot she knew cheating on Ashton was wrong but she couldn't help it.

and she didn't want to leave him for fucks sake she run away from home with the boy.

So she never left him.

it took her 12 years to leave him, she left when he was in rehab. 12-year relationship with Ashton and around 2-year one with Calum she left not telling the boys another word.

To say Ashton was heartbroken would be a fucking understatement.

He blamed it on his addiction and his aggression when in reality it was never Ashton's fault at all.

Calum never told him about his relationship with Rae because honestly, he was ashamed.

He let this random girl do whatever she pleased with him while still in a relationship with his best friend.

This whole situation would just make anyone confused if they didn't know the full story even if you do know this you are probably confused.

But this whole time you had implanted in your mind that Ashton Irwin was the villain, that he was this piece of shit core of all evil when in reality that wasn't him at all.

After Raelynn left Ashton she dated a very abusive man, Trevor.

Most would say she deserved it for what she did to those boys but no one deserves what she went through, he would beat her to the point of near death on multiple occasions. But just like with Ashton she was terrified to leave him.

So she stayed.

She didn't know what to do, and this relationship was so so different than hers with Ashton because she was in danger.

Raelynn dated Trevor for 4 years until she couldn't take it.

Raelynn killed herself.

She drove her car into oncoming traffic without a seatbelt, her injuries were so bad she passed away.

But in the ambulance she asked for one thing, she asked that they call ashton irwin.

No one knows why, on her emergency contacts list she had her sister but yet she asked them to call Ashton.

After Raelynn passed Trevor found her book insufferable.

He read it.

But the book Trevor read wasnt the full story, in fact it was far from it because in Raelynns book Austin Indecks is this fucking disgusting man.

Trevor was disgusted at how he treated Raelynn, which was highly hypocritical considering what he did to her himself.

He sent ashton the book, he printed it out and stapled it together and stalked high and low until he found this mans address and sent it to him.

When Ashton read the book himself he was speechless, the way she wrote him in such a way in which he wasnt.

Ashton was seen as this villain and he did things he would never even think about doing to Raelynn.

He was also disgusted by this man he considered his best friend for almost 18 years.

The audacity he had to sleep with Raelynn, but Ashton wasn't sure how much to believe i mean if she lied so much about him who says she wasn't lying about calum as well.

Until he confronted him.

Calum admitted to having a secret relationship with Raelynn which caused the almost 18 years of friendship fuck that brotherhood, to end in the just a mer second.

The book got passed onto calum to read, then Luke, and then Michael.

The boys quickly realized who each one was. I mean she did a terrible job at changing the names.

But mostly everything she wrote was a lie.

She was a liar and a grade A manipulator, but there was nothing the guys could do about it. Because she was dead.

And thats where the story ends for Raelynn and Ashton.

Theres no happy ending.

How could there be in this situation? Raelynn Carter got in between relationships and ruined the lives of everyone she surrounds.

But she'll never do that to anyone again because Raelynn Carter is dead.



don't hate me <33

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