austin indecks

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Ashton Irwin was a disgusting man.

no normal person would do the things that Ashton did to Rae, no normal person would cheat on his girlfriend with a million different women and never feel sorry for his wrong doings.

Ashton was a man who claimed to love Raelynn with all his heart yet stomp on it as if she meant meant nothing to him.

Ashton and Raelynn were in love and meant to be together forever but they wouldn't because Ashton drove Raelynn to leave the house.

Ashton moved on after Raelynn left

The thought of Ashton disgusted the poor girl, he was her everything and he changed over night and became this disgusting monster.

Rae didn't do anything to deserve this hatered from her own boyfriend but he manipulated her into believing what happened was her fault.

what happened to Raelynn was no one's fault.

But Ashton implied it was and she fucking believed him.

She would believe anything that came out of that boys mouth no matter how fucking crazy it sounded.

because she loved him and that's what love is.

love is listening to ur partner and doing whatever crazy shit they say to make them happy.

but what Raelynn and Ashton had wasn't love.

maybe it was love when they were kids but the older they got that love drifted away and eventually disintegrated into nothingness.

the couple went from being in the most loving committing relationship to being disgusted by each other presence in a short amount of time.

Ashton broke Raelynn inside and out.

"Promise me we're going to be together forever" the small drunk girl asked me as she played with my fingers.

Rae was always a cute soft drunk.

"I promise to be in your life as long as you want me sweetheart" i told her as she pouted in response as i furrowed my brows.

"Baby what's wrong?" i asked the small girl.

"i said forefe

But you know him as Austin Indecks

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