◌ Chapter One ◌

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Chapter 1: 'Did you just blocked my kick?'

Third Person Pov:

In a street in Shibuya, Japan a certain someone was lost when she arrived in unfamiliar yet familiar place and that person is none other than the pro Hunter, Kyannah Yamane.

It's been an hour since she arrived, but in her luck she get lost.

'I wish I bring Midori and Shin to accompany me, I'm really bad at directions.' She thought to her self.

'And what the hell is wrong with this place? Why is the street is so empty but surrounded by houses. Not even a single people in here. Is this place has apocalypse or something?'

She was about to continued walk way to the convenient store when she suddenly saw at the front there is a girl with short pink hair, seems shorter than her and younger, she's wearing a school uniform. Her eyes light up.


Kyannah was about to run to her, when the girl turn around to her, the girl eyes widened and run to her side, looking all scared.

'Wait- She looks familiar'

"Hey! A-ano-"

"Uhmm, are you okay? You seems scared for some reason? Is there something wrong?" Kyannah asked worryingly.

'I swear she looks so familiar'

"Actually, I really need help but I don't know if I could trust you." The short girl said.

'I don't know who she is but she's the only option, there's no one around either' Kyannah hear her thought inside on her head. Kyannah raise her one eyebrow, but said nothing instead she give the small girl a reassuring smile.

"What ever was happening you can trust me. I know we just meet minutes ago but you can count me in, but first calm down for now" The older girl said, her smile still present on her face, the younger girl calming down a little.

"Oh! How rude I am. I'm Kyannah by the way, what's your name?"

"I-Im Hi-nata, Tachibana Hinata"

"Ok so tell me what's wrong" After Hinata is complete calmed she answered.

"I just saw two people walking black jackets with whatsoever the words on the back but the thing is I think they're hurting someone! I've wanted to call the police but I'm scared!" She panicked again, little tears form in her eyes.

"I also try to contact my boyfriend but he got something to do!"

"Okay, calm down Hinata. I will do something about this" Kyannah said, smirking a little

'Besides its been a year since I last fight someone'

Hinata look at her worried.

"Are you sure?" She asked, Kyannah nod and give her a reassuring smile again.

'What if she get hurt because of me? I-i think we call another help-' When Kyannah hear her thought and seeing her trouble face, she replied

"Don't worry I'm strong you can trust me, so lead me the way!" Hinata hesitate a little but agree and lead her into an alleyway.

"You stay away from here, find a place to hide. If I stay long, call someone or a police immediately. Okay" Hinata nodded.

"Please take care" Hinata answered worriedly before she run a way

Kyannah take a deep breath and entered the dark alley. She cancelled her presence and walked inside quietly like an assassin.

'What Hinata said was right' She thought, seeing a two blonde people while the victim is a short black haired.

'Tsk, I can already clearly see the black haired boy is an innocent. It seems those two blonde boys who I assuming a gang or something' Kyannah thought.

"Don't f*ucking lie!" Yelled the big guy with a black dragon tattoo on his left side temple, while the smaller boy who had his jacket loose that only rest on his shoulder, lift up the poor guy.

'I-i sw-swear I-I didn't st-stole it! Who even are this people?'

'This guys really won't tell the truth!'

'Tsk! I want to end this now, I'm hungry'

Kyannah can clearly hear three voices inside on her head that she's assuming is there thoughts.

She will do anything to help the poor innocent boy when one of them try to beat him again.

"Tsk, I thought I would take those punches easy on you. Then, how about I kick your head off next?" Threaten the small blonde boy

In a blink of an eye, the place where Kyannah standing earlier was now empty only a dusk can only seen. Before the smaller guy can land perfectly his kick on the poor guy she appeared in front of them, instead she's the one to receive the attack.

She manage to stop his kick using one hand like it just nothing.

The three boys looked at her surprised, especially the smaller guy who still had his foot on her free hand, for sure she heard a crack.

'That's a strong kick, for a little boy but have a strong strength. He remind me of 'him'"

"Did you just block my kick?''

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