◌ Chapter Eleven ◌

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Chapter Eleven:  'Heroine'

Third Person Point of View:

After the Toman meeting, Takemichi decided to ask Draken to be his bodyguard which back fired, now he was follow Draken and Mikey till they were infront of a hospital.

"Mikey, we're here." Draken told the short blonde male on his back, waking up the said boy from his nap.

"The hospital?" He yawned, looking at the building infront of them in slight confusion.


"What're we here for?" Mikey asked in confusion, following behind the tall male.

Draken didn't answered him first, making Mikey to glance at him. The two were unaware of Takemichi's presence that was following them since morning.

"A little visit." Draken told Mikey, both of them walking inside the hospital.

Takemichi sneakily followed behind Draken and Mikey inside the hospital, careful not to get caught. Both stopped infront of an ICU, seeing a girl inside who was staring silently at the ceiling, a lot of bruises covered her body but nevertheless, she's in a good condition.

"Who's that?" Mikey asked Draken when they were infront of the said room.

"That's Pah's friend's girlfriend." Draken informed him, both of them were watching the bruised girl.

'Pah from Toman.. Wait. The cause of the Conflict... With Moebius.' Takemichi thought.

"Beatings all over her body left her with broken bones and I heard that she got unconscious for two days." Draken explained to Mikey.

'That's horrible.' Takemichi thought, when he suddenly saw two couples stomping towards Draken and Mikey.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" The two blondes look at the newcomer, it was a dark haired man with eyeglasses.

"How dare you waltz in here after putting my daughter in ICU?" The father asked them bitterly.

"Get out! Get out!"

"Honey, please!" The woman tried to calm her husband down by putting a hand on his shoulder.

Draken stood stiffly at first before bowing down, while Mikey remained standing and clueless at the situation infront of him.

"You think bowing is gonna solve this, you little worms?! My daughter nearly died!" He bellowed at them in rage.

"Thanks to you, bastards!"

Mikey just stared at him, confused why he was blaming them when they had nothing to do with it.

"Don't bow to him, Ken-chin." Mikey told Draken, but a little quietly.

"We did nothing wrong. Why's this old man taking it out on us, anyway?"

"Get out, you slimy little worms!" The man told them, rage was seen in his eyes as he glared at them.

"Huh? Who are you calling a worm?" Mikey asked and narrowing his eyes, Draken grabbed his head and shoved his head down.

"We're very sorry of what happened." Draken apologised while Mikey was caught off guard by what he did.

"Hey, what the hell?" Mikey protested, but Draken's hands were firmly keeping his head bowed down.

"It's entirely our responsibility." Draken stated to the couples, who was nearly crying

They were blinded by rage and acting through emotions that they're just throwing insults at the two without knowing their side of the story.

"You think that will make my daughter better, you worms?!" The man continued to vent his anger.

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