◌ Chapter Six ◌

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Chapter Six: Mikey and Draken

Third Person point of view:

Hanagaki Takemichi was came from the future, 12 years from now. He was still couldn't believe that he really back in time.

Takemichi is just a 26-year-old unemployed guy who learns that the girl he dated in middle school-the only girl he ever dated-has died.

Then, after that accident-train station-he finds himself in a time leap back to his middle school years.






He looked at his apartment ceiling as he lying on the bed.

"I can't believe, I'm I really going to die?" He muttered, he stared at the ceiling blankly.


'Did Akkun really tried to kill Kiyomasa?' He thought as he remembered what his friend say earlier.

"Takemitchi. Honestly, I was thinking about taking a weapon an attacking Kiyomasa by myself" Atsushi said, Takemitchi looked at him surprised.


"Because with things as they were, we are going to spend our loved as a slaves, right? Offing Kiyomasa was all I could do, you know"

"Thank you, Takemitchi- Wait, where's Yamane-San? Isn't she was with you?" Atsushi looked around, as Takemitchi looked at him sweat dropped.

"A-actualy, after we talked she immediately left" Takemitchi said nervously

'I can't tell him that she just vanished away'

"Oh, I see. Thank you, Takemitchi and Yamane-San too." Atsushi looked at the night sky and smiled.


"It's thanks to you standing firm against Kiyomasa there, that we were freed from being slaved. You were really cool back there" Complimented Atsushi and the blond blushed at that

"Thanks for Yamane-San too. Even though she just appears out of nowhere, and punched Kiyomasa was really cool. She seems really a cool, and good person"

'And pretty' by the thought, Atsushi blushed a little as he felt his heart skipped a bit

"Cut it out. Your making me blush" Takemitchi reply which made the other chuckle sofly.

Takemitchi sigh.

'Kyannah Yamane, a mystery girl who appeared out of nowhere, and telling me that she's a Pro Hunter, with cool yet scary power'

He slowly closed his eye as it felt heaver as second pass by.

'I wish nothing bad happened tomorrow'

"I wish to Takemitchi, that nothing bad happened tomorrow" A girl said as she was hiden by the shadow of alley way.

"Who knows what will happen tomorrow, Kiana~. He~ He~ He~" a husky feminine voice said ended with a demonic laughter, rang inside her head. Kyannah rolled her eyes, ignoring the voice inside her head as she walked away.

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