◌ Chapter Two ◌

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Chapter Two: Who is She?

Third person point of view:

"Did you just block my kick?"

"And what do you think you both doing?" The female asked back, put the foot she was holding carefully and helped the unknown man whoever it is, whether he is good Or not

'It's just too unfair'

His face is not clear to be recognized anymore. Then the tall guy that almost bald gripped his large hand on her shoulder,

"Who even are you? Why you suddenly butted-in?"

"Aren't you two bad guys?" She said calmly, making the big guy click in annoyance. Before he can continue yelled at her, the poor guy earlier then stepped back, pleading while walking away.

"I'm sorry! But it's true! I'm not the one who stole it!" He said truthfully

"You liar!"

"I swear! Please, I just went passed by!"

"What are you guys talking about? Who knows if I can help" The girl said, smiling like nothing happened second ago. The small guy still plastered his eyes on her but she just shrug it off.

"Huh? What are-" the tall guy with a tattoo cutted his sentence when the smaller guy answer without hesitation

"It's a purple omamuri" Kyannah hummed, as she thinking deeply

"Oi, Mikey! Why did you even-" the tall guy stopped on his mid-sentence again, but this time Kyannah cutted in having him an irked mark on his temple.

"Oh! You mean this talisman?" She grab something on her pocket and showing them a purple omamuri, making the big guy pointed at it shocked.

"How did you get that?"

"Well, while I was walking around the streets I see this this thing in the ground but, I swear I didn't looked inside of it. It's seems this thing very important to you guys. Here" She explained, handing it to him

"It belong to us" He replied, kinda felt bad of what their actions they made. Kyannah give the tall one a smile before face-to-face to the smaller guy. They just stare at each other a minute before she snapped

"Oi! Aren't two of you supposed to apologize?"

"Huh? For what?"

"What do you mean 'for what?'. You both beat that guy by mistake so you have to apologize!"

Before he can react more, the taller guy already bent himself along with his friend by force, making them both looked down ninety degrees.

"We're both sorry" said the tattooed guy alone

With that, the innocent guy earlier just left like that still in fear, and she followed next. Before she could take a next step the tall guy called her, she glance a bit to the back

"Thanks" He thanked at her, while the small guy still looking at her in silence, she nodded and with that she started to walk away. Before she completely out of there sight, she said

"Don't blame someone just because you expected they do something wrong. Sometimes you have to open your eyes and see if they really do it, because sometimes we don't know that we're harming an innocent. Not everyone is perfect, not everyone is right, and most of all everyone needs forgiveness even thought they did wrong even it small or big"

And with that she's out on there sight, made way back outside of the alley, leaving the two blonde boys. But not before making eye contact with the smaller guy.

"You're got to be kidding me, she just stop your kick Mikey!" exclaimed the tattooed guy


"What?" The boy who called 'Ken-chin' said

"We forget to ask her name"





"I think we have to go now, your sister is now probably worried at you" He said, started to walk away in the alley where they are, but stop when his friend call him

"Ken-chin" The smaller guy called again, looking at his foot

"What again, Mikey-"

"I think my foot broke" Mikey said, while pointed at his broken foot

"Huh? What are you even saying? Why would your foot broke-" Ken-chin stopped his sentence when he looked at his friend foot, he was shocked when he see a reddish hand finger print on it

"What the-"

"She's strong, when I kick her I fell that my bone cracked" His small friend said.


"...." 'Ken-chin' still stay quite.

"Ken-chin, she's stronger than me" Mikey continued

He really can't denied it either, after she stop his friend's famous kick using a hand like it just nothing prove it. Even his the vice-president of their Gang can't even stop that kick. Never in his life seen someone stopped that kick, but now. When a girl who appeared out of nowhere and stopped it in bere hand prove him that, that girl is not ordinary and don't have to underestimate.

While 'Ken-chin' was deep in thought, his small friend also have so many questions inside his mind. Before the mysterious girl leave, what she said was still hunting inside of his head

"Everyone needs forgiveness even thought they did wrong even it small or big"

'Why does that sentence really meant it for me? Why it so directed to me? Why just I realized something but I don't know what is it? Do I really have to forgive him? He almost killed my brother and all....'

'Who is She?'

When Kyannah was out on the alleyway, Hinata run immediately to her with a worried face.

"Kyannah-San are you okay? Are you hurt somewhere? I just see someone earlier beaten up, I thought something happend to you, I was about to call a police! What happened?!" Hinata asked question to questions.

'I really made her that worried' Kyannah thought apologetically

"I'm really sorry about it, Hinata. By the way you mentioned that you see someone beaten up, where is he now?" Kyannah asked, looking around

"Before I can asked him a question, he already run away he really looked scared"

"I see, I think we have to go now"

'Or else that two blondes....'


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