◌ Chapter Eight ◌

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'Chapter Eight: Tokyo Manji Gang'

Third person point of view:

The next day,

Hina and Takemichi both spend the day with each other, and are now on a rooftop watching the fireworks display.

Kyannah watch the two lovebirds chat as she boredly look around, Takemichi did noticed her because she gave him a message that she's watching and gave the brunette a glance before turning back to Hina.

"I'm jealous!" the brunette mumbled as she looked at Takemitchi that looking lovely at Hina, she sigh as she watch the fireworks, she pouted.

' I wish he's here, I miss him so much.'

She watch as Naoto stood besides Takemichi, while the piss haired boy suddenly reached out for the younger boy's hand.

'So warm.' Takemichi thought while caressing the hand he's holding.

"Pfft-" Kyannah silently laughed at the scene while Takemichi caressed Naoto's hand.

'Should I tell him..? Nah. He'll realise it later.'

The dark haired boy was literally confused why Takemichi was holding his hand and was about to say something, when the piss haired boy suddenly glanced beside him and was shocked to see Naoto.

He wasn't holding Hina's hand but Naoto's hand, and he can hear Kyannah's obnoxiously laughing in the distance.

"Huh?! Naoto?!" He exclaimed as the said boy have him an awkward look.

Damn! They already looked sweet earlier.

Kyannah snickered watching Takemichi panic, still holding Naoto's hand.

"H-Hello!" Naoto awkwardly greeted, the blue eyed boy remembering his Time Leap's trigger was the handshake.

'Baka'. Kyannah telepathically stated, while Takemichi mentally cried and suddenly jumped when she heard her voice.

"Huh? You're here too, Naoto?" Hina asked, not aware of her boyfriend's panicked stricken look.

'Kyannah-chan?! You're here too, why didn't you warned me?!' Takemichi thought furiously, hearing her laugh mentally and from the distance.

'Because it was funny to watch.' Kyannah shrugged as she felt Takemichi suddenly blanking out, knowing that he came back to the future.

'It feels nostalgia' The brunette thought before teleporting somewhere else.


Takemichi screamed in frustration, snapping his eyes open. He couldn't believe he missed his opportunity to hold Hina's hand!! It was all Naoto's fault! What the hell was he doing there anyway!? It was supposed to be a romantic moment between him and Hina. WHY!?

"Damn it, I came back!" Takemichi whined, tears streaming down his face as he glared athe older version of Naoto. I'll get you for this!!!

"Ah!" Naoto's eyes widened in realization,

"I was right then! The handshake is the trigger then!" He then looked at Takemichi,

"Anyways, what happened? What made you come back so quickly?"

"W-well! Hehehe...."

Naoto deadpanned at Takemichi after he heard his explanation. An irk mark on his head,

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