◌ Love Interest 1/2 ◌

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Sano 'Mikey' Manjiro
"I love her so much to the point that I became like this"

Ken 'Draken' Ryuguji
"I maybe like Emma, but I don't know why you always inside my head"

Baji Keisuke
"Hey pretty, wana go deyt with me?"

Matsuno Chifuyu
"Baji-san, it's 'wanna go date with me?' not 'wana go deyt with me!'"

Mitsuya Takashi
"of course I can make that outfit for you but
it'll take long time"

Shiba Hakkai
"K-Kyannah-chan c-calm d-down"

Kawata 'Smiley' Nahoya
"woah! Your so strong!"

Kawata 'Angry' Souya
"nii-chan that's rude"

Haruchiyo Sanzu
"You remind me of someone? Have we meet before?"

Kurokawa Izana
"I love you, I want you to become my queen"

Hitto Kakucho
"What's wrong with me? What did you do to me?"

Haitani Ran
"why don't you go out on a date with me?"

Haitani Rindou
"no he's not my brother he's adopted"

Sano Shinichiro
"how do you know I would die?"

Imaushi Wakasa
"what an intimidating girl"

Akashi Takeomi
"What the hell! She's younger than me and I'm interested on her. Am I an paedophile?"

Shiba Taiju
"hmm. You're strong indeed, strong enough to capture my cold heart"

Hajime Kokonoi
"I love my first love until now, is it okay that your become my second love?"

Inui Seishu
"I feel a strong aura around her, just like how strong my love for her. I don't care if she don't choose me"

Akashi/Kawaragi Senju
"I want you to join Brahman, you actually caught my attention just like you caught my heart. It doesn't matter if you're a girl"

Sano Emma
"thank you for saving me Kyannah-chan!"

Inui Akane
"if it's not for you, I would have died"

Shiba Yuzuha
"Thank you for protecting me. Please! I want to be like you! To be strong like you! So I can protect you!"

Unknown Person
"She's mine and only mine, I don't like sharing what's mine. She's my property and only mine"

Kyannah Yamane
"There's someone who's very special to me. Very special to the point that i killed million of people just to protect him. I'm his property"

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